10 Healthy Snack Alternatives That Can Help You Lose Weight

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10 Healthy Snack Alternatives That Can Help You Lose Weight

Admit it: It’s hard to say no to great-tasting food, whether they are main courses or just snacks to get you by. Snacks are fairly hard to resist, especially when they are from your favourite Korean fast food joint in Singapore which serves only the best and juiciest burgers or that pizza joint in with a to-die-for mozzarella topping.

Contrary to popular opinion, snacking is never a bad thing. It can be your comfort after a bad day, and it can even help you lose weight if you choose what ingredients will be in your food. The right snack will leave you feeling full and lessens your craving for unhealthy food, both of which can help you lose weight.

We have listed some healthier snacking options to get you through the day.

10 Healthier Snack Options

1. Mixed Nuts

Nuts contain healthy fats, fibre, and protein, which make it an ideal healthy snack. It is filling and has been linked to several health benefits like a decrease in heart disease risk. They are a nutritious snack that’s perfect for people on the go.

2. Greek Yogurt and Berries

For a delicious and nutritious snack, go for Greek yoghurt and berries. Greek yoghurt is high in protein, calcium, and potassium. Berries are also great antioxidant sources.

About 100 grams of plain Greek yoghurt with a half cup or 50 grams of berries contain about 10 grams of protein and 150 calories.

3. Apple Slices and Peanut Butter

The combination of apple and peanut butter tastes great. We all are aware of an apple’s nutritional benefits.

Peanut butter is known to increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol in our bodies. As it is high in calories, it is not generally associated with weight gain, but eating in moderation is still advised.

4. Celery Sticks and Cream Cheese

A serving of five small celery sticks along with 60 grams of cream cheese can give you less than 200 calories making it a low-carb and satisfying snack.

5. Sliced Cucumbers and Hummus

Cucumber and hummus surprisingly go well together. A cup of sliced cucumbers served with 100 grams of hummus gives you only about 180 calories.

6. Cherry Tomatoes and Mozzarella

tomatoes with mozzarella

Instead of calling just any pizza delivery, try this combination of cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. They’re healthier, too.

Tomatoes contain potassium, vitamin C, and lycopene which decreases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Mozzarella also helps reduce heart disease risks and is high in calcium, protein, and vitamin B12.

7. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are effective at getting you full. It is one of the best and healthiest types of food you can eat to help you lose weight. They are packed with protein and vitamins K2 and B12.

8. Whey Protein Smoothie

A tall cup of whey protein smoothie is a great snack that helps keep you full until your next meal. Whey protein helps you lose fat, gain muscle, and improve body composition.

Whey protein powder and supplements are available in brick-and-mortar and online shops. Simply look for ones that have no added sugar.

9. Sliced Pears and Ricotta Cheese

Pears contain polyphenol antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory properties, Ricotta cheese is high in calcium and protein which leads to greater muscle mass and strength.

A serving of a small pear with 100 grams of ricotta cheese has 12 grams of protein and only 250 calories.

10. Dark Chocolate and Almonds

Finally! Chocolates! Yes, you read it right. While almonds are loaded with monounsaturated fats that are good for the heart and blood sugar levels, dark chocolates contain flavanol. This helps lower blood pressure and the risk of heart diseases. Simply make sure that it has at least 70% cocoa solids.

Eating the right types of food, including healthy snacking options, getting regular exercise, and having the proper supplementation will help bring your weight down and keep you healthy and strong. All three are needed for optimum results.

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