3 Ways To Spend A Summer Break With The Whole Family

family having a vacation at the beach

3 Ways To Spend A Summer Break With The Whole Family

With the popularity of ‘staycations’ continually rising, it can be tempting to book a hotel room this summer, stay inside an air-conditioned room and enjoy the comfort of a king-sized bed. Especially in the UK, July 2019 was hot. The summer days are long, and the temperature has reached highs of 32°C (90°F) and above.

Of course, no one wants to sweat all day or frazzle to a toast, which is why going out in this kind of weather may be met with some apprehension. It’s easier just to put on your pyjamas, and start binge-watching a new TV show with comfort food and snacks nearby. However, summertime is when families often make time to be together, so you shouldn’t waste the opportunity by staring at a television all day.

Instead of using the warm weather as an excuse to stay indoors, be lost in social media or hide in a book, take advantage of the weather and organise some family fun in the sun.

Here are some of the best family and budget-friendly activities you can do to enjoy the great British summertime.

Go to the beach

Beaches and kids have always been a great combination, and the UK has beautiful, safe and clean beaches. Whether you want to stay somewhere with fine sand or surf, there are a lot of beach options across the UK where you can soak up the sun and enjoy the cool waters. With children glued to their smartphones and tablets, going to the beach as a family disconnects them from cyberworld to experience the wonders of nature instead.

Creating sandcastles, playing volleyball, collecting shells, lying on the sand or enjoying the sound of waves crashing to the shore enable you to enjoy the company of each other. Don’t forget to bring a picnic.

Treat yourselves with a sumptuous lunch

Eating out as a family can further establish close family relationships. Work is demanding, and sometimes you may be too tired to engage in a long conversation with your kids. Eating out with the whole family can be a chance to catch up with each other’s hobbies and interests. To make the experience even better, choose a family-friendly restaurant, mixed menu and, with the sunny weather, somewhere with an outdoor setting. There are plenty of popular restaurants with great character and freshly prepared food, whether in a pub garden in Tonbridge Wells or a bustling bistro in Edinburgh.

Visit a public park

picnic basket and a family at the back

If you think the beach will be jam-packed and want somewhere less crowded, public parks offer an alternative option. It’s easy for us to forget that these places are often nearby and provide a great location to tire out the kids and enjoy family time together. Parks are a crucial part of any community and have a significant impact on the development of children and the happiness of everyone in the neighbourhood. Maximise the benefits of public parks and take your whole family to explore the outdoors. Bring some snacks and treat everyone to ice cream while the weather is fine.

The sun is out, the temperature is rising, and the kids are on school holidays. What a perfect time to have a family day-out and come back refreshed and ready for the next day.

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