6 Ways to Keep Your Garage Pest-free All Year


6 Ways to Keep Your Garage Pest-free All Year

Almost every household has had a pest in their garage at some point, whether it be an insect, a rodent, or some other nasty creature. But why do pests love garages in the first place? Here are a few possible reasons:

  • The garage offers shelter for pests to protect them from inclement weather, extremes of temperature, and natural predators, among other threats.
  • The garage can be damp, warm, and dark, which makes up for an attractive new home for pests.
  • There are lots of materials and debris in the garage where pests can make a home in.
  • The smells coming from your garage can attract pests (e.g., birdseed, fertilizer, food products, trash, etc.)

Pests bring you no good. Aside from being a general nuisance, they can spread diseases and bacteria in your garage as well as other parts of the home. Moreover, they can also cause damage to your belongings and the structural integrity of your home.

Common garage pests

These are the most common types of pests that can be found in the garage:

  • Ants
  • Rodents
  • Spiders
  • Termites
  • Flies
  • Silverfish
  • Beetles

How to keep your garage pest-free

If you’ve already noticed a few pests here and there, it’s best to act quickly before they grow in number. Here are the best ways to keep your garage pest-free:

1. Deal with existing pests

When you already have a pest problem in your garage, call in a professional exterminator like Pest N Clean immediately. Professional intervention can eliminate the existing pests before they get out of hand and cause damage to your health, home, and belongings.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait to see an actual pest before calling an exterminator. If you see signs of their presence, such as chew marks, sawdust, droppings, and nasty smells, it’s worth to get your garage looked at by a professional.

2. Keep your garage clean and dry

Pests are attracted to dirt, messes, and dampness. Thus, keeping your garage clean and dry is the best way to make it inhabitable for them. Here are some tips on how to keep your garage spotless:

  • Remove debris and clutter from your garage.
  • Secure items in airtight storage boxes instead of cardboard boxes.
  • Check for leaks and damp areas. Fix the causes of dampness.
  • Improve the ventilation to decrease the moisture in the air.
  • Keep garbage cans closed and don’t allow them to overflow with trash.
  • Sweep and mop floors regularly.
  • Clean up spills as soon as possible.
  • If you use your garage as a workshop, secure your materials properly.

3. Secure food storage

If you use your garage as a food storage area, ensure that your food items are well-secured in airtight plastic boxes. For sacks of rice, beans, dog food, or any other dry good that is attractive to pests, use a large plastic bin with an airtight lid for storage.

Do you also have a freezer or refrigerator in the garage? Always ensure that there are no leaks or food residues outside the unit. If you spill something near the freezer or refrigerator, even if it’s just on the gasket, clean it up immediately to prevent attracting pests.

4. Look for entryways

Search for possible entrances where pests can get through. Go around your garage and see if you can find cracks or holes in the foundation, walls, floors, windows, and ceilings. Even tiny cracks that seem impermeable can serve as an entryway for equally small pests.

Seal every hole or crack you find. If the gap is too large to fix on your own, call a professional to seal it for you.

5. Maintain your garage door


garage door

Even if there are no cracks or holes in your garage, there is still one entryway that pests can use to invade your space: the garage door. Ensure that your garage door closes without any gaps in the frame. Similarly, check for signs of damage on your garage door, including cracks that serve as entrances.

Furthermore, keep your garage door free from dirt and debris by cleaning it at least once a month. Aside from keeping pests at bay, cleaning your garage door will help prevent any costly damage.

6. Keep your garage door closed

If the garage door doesn’t need to be open, then keep it closed. Otherwise, a rodent, bug, or other pests can slip by without you noticing.

Pests are a nuisance and a threat to your home and health at the same time. Keep them out of your garage–and ultimately, your house–with these simple tactics.

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