Alleviate Neuropathy Symptoms with the Right Medicine, Treatment, and Diet

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Alleviate Neuropathy Symptoms with the Right Medicine, Treatment, and Diet

The effects of neuropathy are difficult to ignore. The most prominent symptom is a stabbing, burning, or tingling pain. Other symptoms include extreme sensitivity to touch, lack of coordination, and muscle weakness. People whose autonomic nerves are affected might experience heat intolerance, excessive sweating or inability to sweat, incontinence and digestive problems, and blood pressure changes.

Everyday things like taking a walk, preparing a meal, or driving a car might feel like too much for someone with neuropathy. The good thing is that these symptoms may improve.

Ask Your Doctor about the Most Suitable Treatment

Pharmaceutical medication is effective in addressing the symptoms of neuropathy. Oral medications like narcotics and anti-seizure prescriptions might have a side effect on other vital body organs, though. They might also trigger addiction. Besides, it is always better to address the root of the problem.

A Los Angeles-based neuropathy clinic suggests two methods to reduce pain and improve function: nerve block and cryotherapy. A nerve block is designed to dilate the artery in the affected area, and to improve circulation. Meanwhile, cryotherapy further boosts circulation and stimulates the healing process.

These are innovative ways to reduce neuropathic symptoms and improve body functions. They address different types of neuropathy including peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, cervical neuropathy which causes neck pain, and femoral neuropathy which leads to knee pain and impaired mobility.

They’re also helpful with other nerve-related conditions like shingles, sciatica, and chronic pain.

Be Generous with Your Intake of B Vitamins


Prescribed medications and treatments aren’t the only ways you can address your neuropathic symptoms. You also have to be aware of your diet. Peripheral neuropathy is often triggered by a vitamin B deficiency. For this reason, you have to include more vitamin B1, B6, and B12 in your diet.

Vitamin B12 deficiency, in particularly, might lead to common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy like the pins-and-needles sensation in your hands or feet, bowel and bladder problems, and sharp, throbbing, or burning pain. Severe B12 deficiency can even lead to depression, delusion, memory loss, paranoia, and the loss of your sense of taste and smell. But what causes this deficiency?

Harvard Health article notes that vegetarian diets and weight-loss surgery often cause B12 deficiency. Vegetarians and vegans won’t get any B12 from plants. Only meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy products produce the vitamin. Meanwhile, weight-loss surgery interferes with the body’s natural extraction of B12 from food. Whether because of these or neuropathy, include B12 in your diet through the following:

  • Add more fortified breads, cereals, and grains to your diet.
  • Prepare dishes with salmon, tuna, trout, or sardines.
  • Include lamb, beef, or veal liver in your meat dishes.
  • Eat boiled clams which are rich in B12 and protein.
  • Grill or roast low fat cuts of beef.

Vegetarians and vegans might consider adding nori (dried purple laver) and shiitake mushrooms to their diet. These also help you reach your daily recommended intake of vitamin B12 for healthier nerves.

In addition to these dietary suggestions, supplements also boost your B12 levels. Supplemental pills often combine B1, B6, and B12 to cover all your bases. Combine this with prescribed medication and proper treatment, and your neuropathic symptoms will be more manageable.

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