Are You Struggling To Move Around Your Small Room?

working woman

Are You Struggling To Move Around Your Small Room?

The vast majority of people are now working and studying from home, and while that may seem like a push toward productivity for some, a lot of people struggle to be as efficient and productive at home than the usual workplace. What’s worse, the adverse effects are doubled when you only have limited space to begin with, which means people who aren’t as fortunate to have big rooms get the short end of the stick.

Luckily, we’ve survived the thick of it, and a lot of us have grown accustomed to this new normalcy, and now that we have a whole year ahead of us, it’s the perfect chance to maximize the functional space in your small room. With this simple room fix-up to start, you might even find yourself looking for more DIY projects to upgrade every corner of your home.

It’s The Perfect Time For A Simple Renovation

Apart from the savings you’ve been able to scrap by throughout 2020, we’re also receiving another stimulus package fairly soon, and what better way to put this money to good use other than reinvesting it back into your property. Also, don’t worry too much about expenses because we won’t be going overboard with any of these renovation ideas.

#1 Use Warmer Colors

If you’ve been planning to give your room a fresh coat of paint, now’s a perfect time to do so. We recommend using warmer colors, tones, and palettes because they help stimulate the mind and give you a boost in both motivation and energy. You can look at this as turning a new leaf in life, but through point and the magic of color theory.

  • Do Away With Dark Tones: While the cool and collected aesthetic of blues, greys, and whites did reign supreme for the longest time imaginable, they’re slowly losing trend for the warmer tones. Yes, you can still go for this aesthetic, but the emotions it evokes don’t offer anything to help boost your productivity.
  • Decorative Work: We understand that decorative pieces can seem counterproductive to the idea of functional space, but a room void of any decorations will seem far too dull to get any work done. So, make sure to have at least some form of decorative work around you, not only to make the room feel lively but also to inspire you during peak hours.
  • Wood Choice: If you can afford to make more expensive investments, wood choice complements warm tones and helps achieve a two-tone aesthetic for your small room. From the use of shiplap to natural wood flooring, there’s plenty of room to experiment if you have the budget.


#2 Optimize Flex-space/ Workstations

To work in your best condition, you’ll also need to optimize flex-space/ workstations to complement the task you’ll be doing on a day-to-day basis. People often treat any surface as a good place to work, but this doesn’t help the mind make everything a routine, so try to reimagine a part of your room dedicated to work hours.

  • Be Strict: When it comes to working and studying from home, a lot of us tend to become lax and think that it’s perfectly fine to do things while in bed or take our work with us as we have our breakfast. Sure, some people are capable of multi-tasking, but most of us struggle to do two things simultaneously, so be strict with your workspace. Don’t try to finish everything in different places, be disciplined, and stick to one.
  • Think Vertical: Optimizing your workstation calls for good desk organization, and if your desk often looks like a mess, then we suggest going the vertical route of keeping your items neat and tidy. From floating shelves to a small storage caddy right below you, these things can provide a sufficient amount of storage for any working individual.

#3 Omit Unnecessary Items

Last but not least, if you’re serious about getting the most functional space out of a small room, then you’ll need to start packing and putting away the things that are unnecessary and non-functional. These things only serve as distractions and can get in the way of movement or break your flow state. So, it is in your best interest to omit unnecessary items from your workstation to keep you productive.

  • Keep What’s Important: An excellent method of telling which things to keep and which to discard is associating your items with the things you need to do. This means keeping things that are only conducive for leisure, recreation, and relaxation out of the working area and elsewhere.

Ready For The Year Ahead

There’s no telling how busy we’ll be working or how long we’ll be staying at home. In fact, the skeletal workforce framework might just become the new norm every business culture adopts starting today. So, to be ready for the year ahead, please consider these simple fixes to make your small room as functional as it can be!

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