Stimulating Creativity: 3 Art Ideas to Ease Your Pandemic Blues

sewing equipment

Stimulating Creativity: 3 Art Ideas to Ease Your Pandemic Blues

One thing the pandemic taught us as weeks of lockdown turned to months is that too much time at our lap with nothing to do can result in boredom. All those government mandates to keep us indoors not only limited our “playground” but also became an instrument of frustration. No wonder mental health issues skyrocketed as the virus continued battering America.

But you could actually turn to art to help you sail through the pandemic in flying colors. If you’re sitting on the fence on this, taking a closer look at the crafting lifestyle of David Beckham, England’s world-renowned celebrity footballer, should be wise. David not only crafts during the pandemic but also does it together with his three kids. Indeed, they’re very active in expressing their art through their hands, from painting to building beehives.  True enough, his two boys and one girl love him for it.

Should you follow Beckham’s artistic path, you’d be part of an army of thousands of Americans who have found paradise in crafts. During the pandemic, crafting has surged, with many turning to art to face all the turmoil. What’s more, you can actually turn it into a full-pledge business should you choose to.

The good news is there are crafts that you can start during the pandemic which can genuinely improve your well-being. So in a way, you’d be shooting two birds in one stone if you decide to jump in. You make the most of your time and be productive while ensuring you keep your sanity whole.

Listed below are three crafts for men:


It may seem archaic. You hardly use a candle at home, right? It’s a tool that’s more sought after for its symbolic meaning rather than lighting one’s path. With electricity shining light in our homes, candles may be the last thing you thought of in crafting. But you may have to think otherwise.

Candle-making is big business. In America alone, candle sales are by estimate over $2.3 billion yearly. And if we go by the home use barometer, seven out of ten American homes harbors a candle or two. You really can’t underestimate the business of candles, telling you there’s a lot of money in here.

Usually, run-of-the-mill candles can fetch about 50 cents, but made-to-order can go as high as $200 apiece. You can always avail of virtual classes to perfect your candle-making skills.

woman sewing fabric by hand


If you talk about practicality, there may not be a more practical craft than sewing. No less than British PM Boris Johnson recommended sewing when he said, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Certainly, a lot of Americans and Britons alike have googled the ins and outs of sewing.

Of course, the British politician was encouraging everyone to work from home. And sewing was top of this mind as a way to earn and stay out of trouble. If you do a worthwhile craft while at home, boredom can hardly set in, not to mention mental health blues.

It’s truly a most coveted art. Even the legendary Beatles’ leader John Lennon made a habit of sitting in front of a sewing machine to make the most of his free time.

At a time when masks and all sorts of protective wear are needed, you can surely gain precious dollars honing your sewing skills. If you don’t know where to start, pouncing on sewing patterns online that feature all sorts of clothing for everyone, from babies to adults, should get you going. All you need is a quiet corner and your sewing machine, and you should be good to go.

T-shirt Designing

Well, T-shirts are cool anywhere you go — with the right design, that is. Just open any wardrobe, and you know it’s a staple that doesn’t go out of style no matter the gender or the age. It’s easy to use, easy to wash, and, best of all, a great way to sharpen your artistic skills.

There’s a T-shirt for just about every company that wants to shout its brand on the streets and a T-shirt for just about every mood or lifestyle. It’s also a primary tool to make a political statement or whatever statement worth displaying.

And if you think T-shirt printing is a small business, think again. The T-shirt printing industry is estimated to be worth $3.64 billion just in the year 2020. To start, figure out a niche you want to serve and delve deeper into graphics design.

It’s one thing to have a lot of time during the pandemic. It’s another to express your fashion sense and turn such an abundance of time into gold. Or, as David Beckham suggests, turn crafting into an opportunity to bond with the whole family.

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