Five Fun Winter Activities to Do With Your Kids

family spending time in the snow

Five Fun Winter Activities to Do With Your Kids

While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic almost canceled out the holidays, it’s still a good thing that businesses and communities are gradually returning to normal. While there is still the undeniable threat of the deadly virus looming over peoples’ heads, it should not hinder them from doing fun things.

Whether you’re thinking of visiting one of the country’s top winter escapes or just having quality time with the kids out in your backyard, the key is to just go out and have fun.

Here are five winter holiday activities that will bring a smile to your kids’ faces:

  1. Do some winter art pieces. There are plenty of fun-filled activities that you can do with your kids during the winter holiday and almost all of them would only pinch your budget. For example, you can paint the snow using spray bottles or paintbrushes to put some Christmas colors in your yard. You can also create winter crafts with them such as crystal snowflakes and ice lanterns. There’s practically no limit to what you can create with your kids during the winter holiday, so get those creative juices flowing to have a fun time making winter art with them.
  2. Go skiing. If you have the money to spare and you want to let your kids experience a different kind of rush, then by all means head out to a nearby ski resort. Before booking, be sure to first invest in some essential skiing supplies and apparel, such as Spyder ski pants for kids, goggles, thermal clothing, boots, and the like. You should also pack several layers of clothing each day so you and your kids will stay warm and fuzzy throughout your stay at the ski resort of your choice.
    kid skiing
  3. Build them snow castles and snowmen. It’s hard to imagine a list of fun winter holiday activities without seeing a suggestion for snow castles and snowmen. If you are a big family, you can up the fun factor by turning it into a mini-competition by giving a small prize for the team with the biggest or most ornate sandcastle or snowman. Just be sure to prepare some essential crafting supplies such as buckets, spades, trowels, and planters.This specific activity will surely be full of laughter and jolly smiles as you all wear the competitive hat to win the prize.
  4. Sled the day away. If your property happens to be located on or near a slope, one fun and inexpensive activity that you can have with your kids is sledding. You can simply sled your way downhill over a route that is free of trees and other collision hazards. You can also have sled races on a flat surface if you want to be extra safe. You can divide the kids into teams (your neighbors’ kids can join in on this one) and then simply identify a starting and finish line where they would have to outspeed one another.Again, this is one outdoor winter activity where you can tap the kids’ competitive nature by offering a simple prize to the winning team and a token for the losing team to make everybody happy.
  5. Watch family movies by the fire. If your kids are particularly fond of watching movies or Netflix series, then winter is just the perfect time to binge-watch with them. There are two ways to do this: first is by setting up your large-screen TV close to the fireplace inside your home and the second is to do a makeshift outdoor cinema set up in your yard, preferably close to a fire pit or outdoor fireplace. These options both allow you to enjoy the movies or Netflix shows while remaining warm and comfy throughout the show.

Having fun, quality time with your beloved kids shouldn’t cost a fortune, which is evident in these suggestions. So, be sure to take inspiration from them and enjoy this winter holiday with your family.

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