Going Up in Smoke: Keeping Fireplace and Chimneys Working

Chimney sweeper on the roof of a house

Going Up in Smoke: Keeping Fireplace and Chimneys Working

One of the elements which ensure the fire does not deposit toxic gases into your home is a chimney. Since a fireplace is a feature most homebuyers usually get, whether or not it’s their preferred heating method, a chimney still comes as standard in those properties. Winters are long and harsh, so a fireplace and chimney should be able to sustain warmth without needing repair.

But, in fact, chimney issues are one of the most common causes of fireplace repair in Utah properties. The leading type of chimney repairs is leakage. Smoke can easily fill up any amount of space before becoming noticeable, and that’s not mentioning its ability to start a fire. Being alert to smoke leaks really does help, but since the chimney is made of several parts where smoke can seep through, it is easy to miss a leak.

The following are some of the preventive solutions a repair expert might recommend to minimize the frequencies of your fireplace’s repair:

Installation of a Chimney Cap

If you have no cover at the top of your chimney, then you leave room for snow and rain to fall down the chimney. Other than these weather elements, birds and insects will build nests in your chimney and lead to smoke being trapped. Moreover, the chimney will form a free passageway for pests into your indoors. The ideal solution to avert these issues is to install a chimney crown, damper or cover. A cover will prevent all that from happening, as well as keep the smoke flowing out of the house.

Chimney Waterproofing and Tuck-Pointing

The mortar-and-brick joints are among the most vulnerable sections of your chimney. They undergo considerable stress from changing temperatures, and harsh weather elements. The joints will, hence, develop cracks through which water will flow down your chimney into your fireplace or accumulate, causing the chimney’s eventual collapse. To preserve your chimney’s integrity, tuck-pointing is carried out to repair the damaged joints after which waterproofing is done to protect the joints from future deterioration.

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Repair of Damaged Flashing

The flashing is the point at which your chimney joins with your roof. It is generally made of aluminum and sealed with a waterproof sealant or tar to prevent the entry of moisture and debris into your home. The sealant over time erodes and creates a crack through which water can pass. Prompt repair and waterproofing of your flashing and its periodic maintenance are essential to avert the entry of water into your chimney.

Liner Installation

Condensation often occurs if you convert a wood burning fireplace into a gas one without installing a proper liner. The gas fireplace emits moisture-laden fumes and this moisture accumulates between your liner and chimney walls. To avert this, it is essential to have a liner which supports your gas fireplace installed.

Spalling, cracked mortar and rusting are some of the common fireplace issues attributed to leaking chimneys. The above solutions will not only avert these forms of damages but also increase your fireplace’s longevity. They are, hence, essential for all homes with fireplaces.

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