Helpers or Pests? Recognize the Bugs that Can Help Your Garden


Helpers or Pests? Recognize the Bugs that Can Help Your Garden

Moving to a new place or state can be demanding. You need to be familiar with the local customs, the weather, the road systems, and the pests that can infest your new home. But how do you know which bugs are pests? Not every bug is harmful, and if you relocated to a warmer area, some of these invertebrates could be your garden warriors. If you moved to a state like Virginia, you should recognize which bugs are pests or helpers and which ones would require the help of a home pest control expert.

Big-eyed Bugs: Helpers

These bugs are great garden helpers and are common throughout the United States. Adult big-eyed bugs can be a fourth of an inch long and have broad heads with large eyes on each side. These bugs feed on mites, insect eggs, caterpillars and flies that destroy plants. These bugs are very beneficial, and any gardener should welcome their presence.

Chinch Bugs: Pests

A chinch bug is often mistaken for a big-eyed bug, but the chinch bug is black with white markings on their wings. It is a pest that thrives on the sap of grass and the lower parts of plants. They love sunshine, and if you find discolored or dead patches of grass in a sunny part of your lawn, it is a sign of chinch bugs. They can destroy large patches of grass on your lawn, which in turn can increase your yard maintenance expenses. Chinch bugs are tough to control with chemicals, and you might need to contact a garden expert to manage their presence.

woman gardening

Rove beetles: Helpers

These beetles are gray or brown with short wings. Rove beetles are harmless to humans and prefer moist areas. If you have decaying leaves or fruits in your garden, it is likely that you have rove beetles there. The good thing about them is that they prey on aphids, flies, mosquitoes, and fleas, so they are garden helpers you don’t want to lose. If you want to control their numbers, remove all decaying organic matter in your garden and all the rove beetles will move out on their own.

Earwigs: Pests

Earwigs can be mistaken for rove beetles, but they are flatter and are light red-brown to black. One difference is that they have pincers at the end of their abdomen. Earwigs also love moist and dark areas and are attracted to organic debris. But if you have a vegetable, flower, or fruit garden, they can feed on greens, fruit, and flowers. They also do not confine themselves to the garden. They will make their way into your home and pinch any exposed skin area with their forceps. Though they are harmless, they can be annoying pests. You can control their numbers by removing all organic debris in your garden and screening your windows and doors.

You will find many other bugs in your garden, but you should never think that all of them are pests. Some of them are helpful creatures that can make your garden grow well.

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