Yes, Men Need Help in Home Maintenance, Too


Yes, Men Need Help in Home Maintenance, Too

How many times have you walked into a guy friend’s house and wondered why he wasn’t getting eaten by mice yet? It’s not that they have cartons of empty pizza boxes scattered around the floor (though that’s a huge possibility, too), but it’s the general non-cleanliness of the home. The wastebasket is full to the brim. The paper bills are on one end of the kitchen countertop. It reminds you of your brother’s room back when you were all living together, and you wonder if men are naturally bad at keeping their rooms clean and organized.

This isn’t a generalization, but men are notorious for not caring how their homes look. Sure, they’ll make sure to organize important documents such as their permits, licenses, diplomas, and other things, but you can’t expect them to buy household items just because they look good. In fact, you may find mismatched chairs and questionable design choices in their apartments. They aren’t exactly known for their great taste in interior design, which is why they need as much help as possible.

Cleaning and Maintenance

If you’re living alone, you will not accumulate as much trash compared to families with young kids. Still, you have to keep the home clean since it contributes to good health and well-being. You can hire professional janitorial services in your local area. They can schedule a regular cleaning in your home, or you can hire them for deep cleaning occasionally. They can clean hard-to-reach places such as the crevices of your ceiling, sky windows, and blinds.

It’s normal to have trouble reaching your ceiling fans, for example, but you can’t use them anymore because of dust and dirt. Professional cleaning services will help in their maintenance. They will leave your place looking clean and shiny after an hour or two of cleaning service or depending on how much work they need to do.


architect concept

Men rarely care about how their homes look. They are fine with the mismatched chairs and tables they found from a secondhand store. They don’t care that their kitchen countertops are not made from granite or that their window blinds look more industrial than homey. But what they don’t realize is that a well-designed place is good for one’s well-being. That’s why you feel better when you go home to your mom. You are surrounded not only by memories from your childhood but an interior design that actually makes your parents’ house a home.

Your home or apartment doesn’t need to look like it’s been patterned after a Pinterest post. It, however, has to be organized enough that you can host your friends. So, okay, you’re not big at receiving guests but you don’t want to bring a potential partner to your place when it looks like a cross between a warehouse, a garage, and a storage room. Hiring an interior designer doesn’t mean you are letting go of those wall posters of Lebron James. It only means they are going to be in frames and hang in a better place such as a specific corner for all sports memorabilia.

Far too often, men think that interior design is only for women. They think shabby chic and European home design. But the truth is that interior designers are great at following a specific theme. Just make sure that you are clear about what you want, your interests, and your passions.

Repairs and Replacements

It’s okay to not know how to change a light bulb or fix a leaky faucet. Not all men need to learn these things. Besides, there’s YouTube for tutorials. You only need the right tools to fix what needs to be repaired in your house. But if you are not comfortable fixing even the tiniest problems, it’s okay, too. You can call a handyman to help around the house. Whether it’s fixing the roof or the plumbing or changing a light bulb, it’s perfectly okay to admit that you cannot do it. No one’s expecting you to know everything.

It’s okay not to want to do these things around the house. Society dictates that men should know how to fix the plumbing or change the tire to a car. You do not have to be pressured about doing these things around your own home. That’s why there are professionals for these kinds of work. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call someone to help you design, clean, maintain, and repair your place. There is no shame in asking for help.

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