How Freelancers Can Impress Their New Clients

freelance worker

How Freelancers Can Impress Their New Clients

Freelancing is a liberating career. It allows you to manage your work on your own, and the best part? You are your own boss. However, it comes with numerous disadvantages like marketing yourself.

In most cases, freelance workers don’t have ads in the paper or expensive marketing tools. All they can rely on is their skills and the referrals of their old clients. So to get more referrals, you need to impress your existing and previous clients.

Client Experience

Clients don’t forget when they get the best services. And when you provide an excellent client experience, they will talk about it a lot. They will most likely remember you when they see something related to your services, or better yet, they will refer you to their acquaintances.

Giving an amazing customer experience is what’s going to make you stand out. It will bring your career to greater heights and introduce you to numerous clients. In addition, you will be like a rock star in the field you work in.

Here are the ways to impress your clients successfully:

Treat them with respect

Indeed, you’re doing your job to earn money. And there is nothing wrong with that. But if you keep prioritizing earning over giving excellent services, your clients might think that you’re only after their payments. Your clients need to know that you’re there to help them, make their lives easier, and provide the products and services they need.

How are you going to show respect? Address them by their names, greet them on their birthdays, and try to remember a few personal matters they shared with you. Whenever you meet your clients, catch up with your last conversation and ask how things have been. By going this, you’re leaving an impression that you’re more than just a freelancer.

Respond to inquiries quickly.

Clients appreciate it the most if they feel valued. If they send you a message, try to reply as soon as you can. But if the timing isn’t right, a simple response like ‘Thank you for reaching out. I will address your inquiries as soon as I can’ may be helpful. Making your clients wait for too long may bore them. Worst case scenario? You might even lose a good deal.

Appreciate your clients.

Of course, the best way to impress your clients is by showing gratitude. After closing a deal, give them a small token of appreciation. If you closed big deals because of their referrals, you can be a bit more generous and offer them free dinner in a high-end restaurant or, better yet, invite them to fun activities like boat parties. Just make sure to check out this checklist for an awesome and memorable boat party so you can all have a great time.

freelance worker

Be thankful.

Your actions and behavior will most likely tell how grateful you are for having them as clients. But it wouldn’t hurt to say “Thank you” after your transaction. Simple phrases like ‘It’s so nice doing business with you, thank you for trusting me’ are highly appreciated by loyal customers.

Be understanding.

While you may offer particular products or services, it’s still important to understand what your clients need. Listen to their concerns and allow them to voice out their opinions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions so you can fully understand how to serve them better.

Offer help.

As mentioned, treating your clients with utmost respect instead of just seeing them as paychecks is what’s going to set you apart from your competitors. Since you are doing more than responding to their inquires and addressing their concerns, they realize how genuine you are as a person as well.

For example, if a client agrees to get one of your products but mentions another thing they need, you can take this opportunity to impress them. Go out of your way and offer them help to find details about the other item they’re looking for.

Stay organized.

While it’s great to have many clients, having more clients than you can handle can be overwhelming. If you’re still trying to figure out how to succeed in your field, know your limits. Do not make deals with many clients at once. Doing so may make it hard for you to meet your deadlines, which can harm your reputation.

Staying organized is a great way to know who to prioritize and what needs to be done first. Keep a work diary, write down all the essential information about your clients, and create a schedule. How you manage your tasks and time is up to you. Just make sure that you don’t disappoint your clients by providing poor services.

Remember, giving an unforgettable client experience is the key to get many referrals and repeat customers. The ideal way to impress your clients is by being organized, trustworthy, and reliable. Follow the tips above to guarantee customer satisfaction.

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