Increasing Your Home’s Value Within Its First Year: 3 Ways

Exterior renovation of a modern house and construction equipments

Increasing Your Home’s Value Within Its First Year: 3 Ways

Investing in a home is one of the best decisions you can make. However, just like any other investment, there are no guarantees that your home’s value will increase. So, what can you do to ensure that the value of your new home improves from the moment you purchase it?

Whether you are purchasing a new or old home, you can improve its value by undertaking a couple of home improvement projects. Upgrading areas such as the patio, floors, and garage doors in your Salt Lake City home can result in better returns should you decide to sell your home.

However, these aren’t the only areas you can upgrade. The following tips will help you improve your home’s resale value.

1. Alter its design.

Your home defines your way of life. Since lifestyle is dynamic, you have to keep up with the latest trends to stay relevant. You could have moved into a house that has an old design yet current trends could be shifting in a different direction.

Such a home provides an excellent opportunity to introduce modern fixtures and technologies and improve its value. A good example could be changing a closed designed house into an open plan design, which is very popular nowadays.

Bigger homes are popular too and fetch more than small ones. Adding a few square feet to your current home, for example, an extra bedroom or living room extension is a good way of quickly raising your house value.

2. Renovate high-traffic areas.

Most home appraisers have singled out the kitchen and bathroom as one of the critical areas that arouse the most interest in prospectors. A remodeled kitchen can give you a good return on investment within a short time. You don’t have to spend too much on repairs.

House with Landscaping

Replace the cabinets, paint the walls and cabinets white, and install quality fixtures. Swapping your kitchen countertops with granite ones and replacing old tiles in your bathroom floors and walls could transform your home too.

3. Landscape your gardens.

Landscaping is another simple yet interesting way to add value to your property. Plant some trees in your compound and grow flowers that blossom to give variety around the compound. Well-trimmed lawns along the driveway can make the home look pretty too.

Strategically plant annual trees and shrubs to grow to maturity. These trees will not only help to cool the house but will also reduce cooling bills in the process. A carefully thought out landscaping design may not cost much, but it will change the face of your property making outstanding.

In light of the change in the social and cultural factors that influence the real estate market, it pays to make some improvements on your home if you intend to put it on the market in the near future. However, you have to carefully identify areas that need upgrades and work to make them better.

Selling property at a profit isn’t the easiest thing to do, but there are ways to improve the value of your home. With the tips mentioned here, you will not only sell your house faster but at a much better price.

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