Living With Back Pain: 3 Things You Need to Know


Living With Back Pain: 3 Things You Need to Know

Pain is both a blessing and a curse. In small doses, it serves as a warning that your body is at risk of injury or has been damaged in some way. Let’s say you’re lifting a heavy box. Your back starts to act out because the box is too heavy. So, you put the box down, and disaster is averted. But if the pain persists, it could drastically affect your quality of life. You need to take action to prevent more serious issues from developing.

Medical doctors categorize ongoing pain that lasts longer than three months as chronic pain. After a trauma or injury, pain may linger for days or even weeks. Something like this is expected, and medication may be prescribed. But if you suffer from pain that never goes away, it may be a sign of an underlying problem.

Chronic back pain is often the result of a traumatic injury, such as a car accident. Regular visits to Barajas Chiropractic might relieve some back pain, but chronic pain requires ongoing intervention. Here are a few ways to manage your back pain.

1. Tap into your subconscious

Meditation may sound like new-age nonsense, but it is a popular way to relieve physical and anxiety-induced pain. Numerous studies have proved the restorative benefits of meditation, and it doesn’t hurt to try new methods to relieve pain. If you suffer from excessive stress and anxiety, some of that may become physical pain. Since the pain comes from the mind, it only makes sense to address it there as well.

We usually think of meditation as sitting cross-legged and chanting, but there are different ways to achieve inner peace. Some methods work better than others, so you might want to experiment with different styles to see what works for you. For instance, some people swear on meditation techniques that use repetition. You need to clear your mind, let your body relax, and start chanting a mantra.

On the other hand, some people swear by deep breathing. Best of all, you can start doing this with self-practice. All you have to do is to find a quiet spot, such as your bedroom. Clear your mind of any thoughts and start breathing. Pay attention to each breath you take and to the movement of your abdomen. Do this once a day, and you’ll see results soon enough.


2. Apply a hot or cold compress

It may not be as powerful as a pill, but a hot or cold compress is a great way to manage flare-ups and reduce inflammation. Best of all, there’s no contraindication or addiction risk. People have relied on hot and cold water for thousands of years to relieve mild pain and swelling. It pays to have a few compresses at the ready for easy access to quick relief. For instance, you could stockpile a few ice packs in the freezer.

3. Exercise regularly

It may sound counterintuitive, but regular movement can help relieve back pain. For starters, regular exercise strengthens your back muscles and cardiovascular system. Pain may be reduced if your heart and blood vessels are in better condition. Many people also exercise to spur the production of endorphins, a pleasure chemical that can relieve pain and anxiety. Many medical doctors advise their patients to exercise to speed up the recovery process.

Make sure to talk to your doctor before attempting any exercise regimen. The last thing you need is your back injury getting worse, so get the green light before hopping on the treadmill. Some exercises may exacerbate injuries, and a physical therapist can help you with safe exercises. It’s also advisable to exercise with a partner in case you need help or support.

A final word

Back pain is a serious matter, and it can prevent us from living a full life. These three tips will help reduce some pain you feel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your doctor or physical therapist.

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