Man Cave: Designing It with Mental Health in Mind

man cave

Man Cave: Designing It with Mental Health in Mind

The pandemic affected the mental health of many people across the country. A survey has also shown that the health crisis had a bigger impact on men than what was previously known. Around 77 percent felt higher stress levels while 45 percent experienced a decline in their mental and emotional health.

The situation adds to the stress they feel at work each day. This makes it essential for men to have a relaxing space at home where they can unwind so that they can avoid major health issues such as heart disease and depression. This is what makes a man cave a perfect place where you can relax and take it easy at the end of the day.

And to ensure the retreat can help you ward off the effects of burnout, you can design it with your mental health in mind. Here are some design inputs for an ideal man cave.

Use a Theme for Stress Relief

One way for the man cave to provide stress relief is to use a theme for its design. The theme and color scheme should make the man of the house feel comfortable. You opt to adorn the room with memorabilia from your favorite sports team. The design elements should put you at ease. You should also declutter the room and increase the amount of natural light by installing suitable window furnishings. Allowing sunlight to enter the room can reduce instances of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which happens when a person has limited exposure to natural light.

Installing air purifiers can also improve indoor air quality and remove any harmful microbes in the room. This is particularly true if your man cave has limited space. The color scheme also plays a role in improving your mood. You can opt for calming colors for the room, including green and blue. These colors can relieve stress and are easy on the eye.

Install Furniture to Increase Comfort

bedroom interior

Aside from the theme and color scheme, you should also install furniture that allows you to relax and stay comfortable. You can also add more seating in case you want to host a small party with friends over the weekend. You can start with any extra furniture at home or look for a yard sale offering items that catch your eye.

You can also install a cabinet where you can display your trophies, picture frames, and other items that bring a smile to your face. These items can bring back happy memories that you can use to fight any feeling of depression. This type of depression treatment is better than taking antidepressants since you can harness the power of your brain, which brings back pleasurable experiences from the past.

When installing furniture, you should make sure they are easy to clean so you will not worry about spills or stains in the man cave. It also allows you to feel comfortable entertaining friends in the room. Durability is also another thing to consider so the furniture can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use.

Install Exercise Equipment

Working out offers a lot of physical and mental benefits, which is essential during the pandemic. Exercising allows you to manage your weight. It also allows you to lose any unwanted weight and keep it off. Additionally, it reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Exercising also reduces the risk of anxiety and depression. It also helps you get better sleep at night.

With all of these benefits, you may want to install exercise equipment in the man cave. You can start with a stationary bike or a treadmill. If you have enough space and the foundation is solid and durable, you can set up weights in the room. Incorporating yoga equipment is also a good idea if you plan to relax your mind through meditation. Practicing meditation allows you to develop a balanced and happier self.

Encourage Healthy Snacking

Exercising can also make you feel hungry. But you should avoid eating unhealthy food items to avoid losing everything you worked for in the past hour while using your cardio equipment. Instead of chips and sugary drinks, you can set up a healthy snack corner in your man cave. A filtered water pitcher allows you to contribute to the reduction of the use of plastic in the world.

You can also make freshly squeezed fruit juices and healthy smoothies in the room. When you snack on healthy food items, it gives you all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. You can also reduce the risk of depression if you avoid eating a lot of processed meat, high-fat dairy, and fried food.

The mental health benefits that a man cave offers make it essential to set one up in every home across the country.

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