Moving to London: The Essentials

Double-decker bus in night London

Moving to London: The Essentials

Moving to a whole new place that you are unfamiliar with can be nerve-wracking and scary. You have no idea where to eat, where to find a new home, and what buses or trains you should take to reach your destination. However, moving is not all that bad. It can also be exciting since this means that you will be meeting new people and can even start anew.

Below, we will discuss a few important things, whether you are moving to London as a student or as an employee. Let us help you find affordable accommodation in London, know what you need before moving, and take note of essentials to make sure that you will not regret moving to this amazing city.

Find a Place to Stay

If you are planning to find a place to stay in when you arrive and not before you arrive, then you are most likely putting yourself up for failure. This is especially important if you are trying to find a place within budget. London can be an expensive city, and if you are trying to do everything on a whim, then you might end up paying more than what you should.

Settle your accommodation before arriving in the city. Look for places to stay on the Internet or ask your friends and family that are in the area.

Be Aware of the Cost of Living

People on the streets of London

As mentioned, London can be quite an expensive city. However, if you are wise enough, you can find restaurants and places wherein you can find food that is a little bit cheaper than usual. Coupons and discount vouchers are huge in London, so go ahead and check a couple of websites that offer such amazing deals. You do not have to be ashamed of using those, as almost everyone in London does!

Familiarise Yourself with the Transportation System

Getting around the city can be challenging, which is why you should familiarise yourself with the transportation system even before flying or driving to London. The tube is a huge mode of transportation in the city, so do yourself a favour and get an Oyster card the moment you arrive. This is used in place of actual tickets and money in buses and trains, and you have to load it up to be able to use it. The card offers amazing discounts for students, too.

Move During the Warmer Months

If you want to move in and get around in London, then do it during the warmer months, which is around the month of July. Winter can be harsh in London and most of the time, you would just want to stay in bed with the heater on and a warm cup of tea. This is, of course, if you have the luxury to choose whenever you want to move. If you have no choice but to move during the winter, then make sure to stock up on your winter clothes and shoes.

If you have family and friends that are in the area, then ask them for tips before coming to the city. Be wise and always think of ways to save money!

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