Pointers for Starting Over After COVID-19

new normal

Pointers for Starting Over After COVID-19

A lot of people have lost jobs, businesses, and other sources of income during the pandemic. Many people have lost the ability to travel and do the things they love. But perhaps worst of all is that people have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. For many people who have experienced heartbreaking losses this year, it seems impossible to get back up and try again.

Starting all over again is easier said than done, but we must—because even though COVID-19 isn’t over, the world continues to spin madly on, and we owe it to ourselves and the people who love us to keep moving. Here are some pointers for starting over physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially because there is still so much in life to look forward to.

Physical: Get a full physical examination.

If you’ve been infected by COVID-19 and have fully recovered, or if you want to start being healthy again after a period of inactivity, you can give your physical health a reboot by getting a checkup. Visit your primary care provider and ask for a full physical examination to check your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and other systems. It will be an opportunity to know if you’re at risk for certain diseases and what steps you need to take—like your diet and other lifestyle changes—to prevent them.

Your doctor will also be able to provide you with the kind of safe exercises for you to do, so it can also serve as a pre-exercise screening. Once you know how your overall health is doing, you can then consult a fitness coach or scour the internet for exercise tutorials approved and recommended by your doctor.

Mental: Find healthy and safe ways to cope.

Going through tough times can trigger unhealthy coping, which can include vices and even toxic relationships. But the thing is that two wrongs can’t make a right; the best way for us to protect our mental health while we’re going through times of upheaval is by finding healthy ways to cope, like:

  • Finding productive and therapeutic hobbies, like gardening or photography
  • Building healthy routines like sleeping 8 hours per night, waking up early, and eating nutritious food
  • Speaking to a therapist or a counselor

Defaulting to unhealthy coping mechanisms will only stunt your healing. Find healthy ways to deal with the pain to help you truly move forward.

Emotional: Grieve well.

It’s tough for men to grieve and mourn, especially since our patriarchal society tells us that real men don’t need to shed tears and can get on with it. But studies show that to truly heal and move forward. We need to acknowledge and grieve our losses because ignoring our emotions is bad for us, no matter our gender. Grieving well means honoring what you lost and allowing yourself to feel the pain of losing it. It will give you the freedom to embrace life in all its complexities.


Financial: Invest in a business that makes sense for the times.

If you have some money saved us and want to start a new business, make sure it makes sense for the times. Being in the travel or wellness industry may not be the most lucrative since consumers generally consider these industries a luxury and not a necessity. The same goes for indoor restaurants since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that enclosed spaces make for high levels of risk transmission.

Consider investing in open-air businesses. Check companies that provide food trucks and coffee carts for sale—especially those that live up to health standards and regulations and allow you to customize the trucks according to your needs. Food will always be a good business, no matter the economy’s state—and one that allows for outdoor dining is even better and safer.

Social: Stay in touch with friends and family through technology.

Experts warn that we will be experiencing one of the worst winters we’ve had in recent years, but that doesn’t preclude you from staying in touch with your loved ones. Keep in contact through Zoom or FaceTime—physical distancing is not social distancing. Update your friends and family about your progress, and foster a genuine connection with them. You’re not alone in your road to bouncing back.

Keep Calm and Carry On

It has been a tough year; no one is invalidating that. But as it comes to a close, we also need to allow ourselves the opportunity and grace to start all over again.

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