Practical Tips for Solo Living for First Timers


Practical Tips for Solo Living for First Timers

While living alone grants you freedom and independence, it can also be isolating. You can be ready to go, with all your belongings packed up by the removals man with a van, only to arrive at an empty and barren living space. But living alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. Whether you’re living alone for the first time or living alone for the first time in a long time, here’s how you can make the best of your solo bachelor life.

Add an extra layer of security

Nobody wants to live in constant anxiety about an intruder gaining access to their home. As soon as you settle into your new place, you should immediately get the locks changed. If you’re only renting the place, you’ll have to put in a request with your landlord to do so. Some landlords will only agree to it if you pay a fee, but the extra security is always worth the extra money.

Draft a budget

Unless you’re looking forward to not having enough money to eat a decent meal because you blew your entire paycheck on something useless, you’ll need to come up with a reasonable budget for yourself. Factor in your most important utilities first before you think about your discretionary budget. Living within your means ensures that you live a stress-free and comfortable lifestyle.

Teach yourself how to be independent

Living with family, roommates, or a partner your entire life means you’ve always had someone to depend on when things go wrong. Maybe it’s a leaky faucet or a clogged toilet — whatever it is, now is the perfect time to teach yourself how to deal with all these little nuisances on your own. You’ll be better off for it, especially when you start living with someone again.

Meet your neighbors

Neighbors are essential to the solo living experience. You don’t have to be their best friend, but you should at least be friendly with them because they’ll most likely be the first people to help you when you need assistance. Introduce yourself to them when you first move in or when you pass them by in the common areas, and try to get their contact details just in case.

Keep a list of emergency numbers

You don’t want to have to use your emergency contacts, but you should still have a list of them in your apartment and on your phone in case of an emergency. Make sure to note your relationship to the people you include in your emergency contact list, as well as alternate phone numbers to reach them at, such as their office phone number.

Clean up after yourself

Are you still a college undergrad living in a grubby dorm? If not, it’s time to grow up and learn how to clean up after yourself. Your physical and mental health will thank you for it. Make it as easy as possible to tidy up, like making use of multiple storage solutions and using gadgets to expedite the cleaning process. You can also hire a professional to clean your place every week or two if you’ve got the money to spare.

Make your solo bachelor lifestyle work for you with these practical tips for solo living for first-timers.

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