Effective Ways to Promote a Sustainable Construction Business

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Effective Ways to Promote a Sustainable Construction Business

Sustainability entails running a business without harming the environment. We know how large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have destroyed our planet Earth. Think of how big corporations have contributed to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the global carbon emissions. Hence, there is a need to push through with sustainability in the world of business.

The construction industry is no exception. With the acquisition of raw materials from our natural resources and the building’s contribution to pollution, construction firms must reevaluate how they do business without hurting the planet. When it comes to achieving this, setting business sustainability strategies in place is the key.

If you run a construction firm, here’s how to promote sustainability in your business:

1. Have lean construction in mind

For the uninitiated, lean construction entails research and development in design and construction using lean manufacturing principles. The goal of lean manufacturing is to minimize the inefficiencies in production. One way to implement this is to take advantage of digital technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and extended realities (augmented reality and virtual reality). With these in place, you can make your construction more efficient, which will make your business sustainable in the long run.

2. Set construction waste management in place

It’s no secret how the construction industry is producing so many garbages each year. Without proper action, construction businesses can significantly contribute to global wastes. It’s predicted that global waste products will increase by 70 percent in 2050. As such, it’s best to set construction waste management in place for your business. One way to do this is to either recycle or repurpose the materials you’re using. Ultimately, doing so will help reduce your construction wastes.

3. Use prefabricated building materials

In recent years, modular construction has become increasingly popular in the industry. This process entails building structures in a controlled environment. Construction firms then obtain these prefabricated structures and install them on the construction site. There are a handful of benefits that come with modular construction. Not only will it help boost construction efficiency, but it will also help reduce wastes during the actual construction. Since prefabrication is performed in a controlled environment, it won’t harm the planet. Ultimately, it will help make your construction business more sustainable.

4. Opt for sustainable construction materials

When it comes to material selection and acquisition, it’s best to go for sustainable raw materials that are locally sourced. Some green materials include bamboo, precast concrete slabs, corks, straw bales, reclaimed timber, and recycled steel. That said, be sure to opt for these materials for your construction firm. Also, it’s best to obtain them from local suppliers. That way, you can help their businesses grow and expand as well. Ultimately, these steps will help promote sustainability in the construction industry.

5. Use renewable sources of energy

Since the advent of modernization, our world has heavily depended on fossil fuels for power and electricity. But thanks to renewable sources of energy, we now have some other options. Most importantly, these alternative energy sources help conserve and preserve our environment. These include hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, biomass, and geothermal energy. That said, your construction firm must start transitioning to the use of renewable energy sources.

6. Earn environmental management certification

Your construction firm must consider aligning your business with green initiatives and sustainability practices. As such, the best course of action is to earn the environmental management certification. The ISO 14001 requires businesses to have a proactive management approach to the environment. Be sure to review their requirements and see how your construction business can meet them. From there, gradually work towards achieving this much-coveted certification.

7. Partner with green agencies

The last on the list is to work with green agencies. As a construction firm, you might not be well-acquainted with sustainability strategies and green initiatives. But if you partner with green agencies, you’ll gain knowledge and learn best practices. You can then incorporate them into your construction business. Some green agencies are the following:

  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Sierra Club
  • EarthFirst!
  • 1% For The Planet
  • Co-Op America
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development

There are no signs of stopping for the construction industry. As we live in modern society, the construction business will continue to grow and flourish. However, construction firms have the responsibility to take care of the environment. If you run a construction firm, consider the seven strategies for sustainable construction mentioned above. Not only will they help save the planet earth, but they will also help your construction business succeed in the long run.

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