Prostate Gland: How Do You Keep Them Healthy?


Prostate Gland: How Do You Keep Them Healthy?

But as we grow older, most of our major organs, especially those related to the reproductive system, won’t necessarily work as intended. One of the most important organs in a man’s reproductive system is the prostate gland, which is known for playing an integral role in the fertility process. Not only will this generate the much-needed fluid that will carry the sperm towards the Fallopian tube of the partner during intimate activities, but this will also be a determining factor for the quality of the sperm.

It might seem like something that most men should worry about, but the quality of sperm will determine the likelihood of their partners getting pregnant.

It’s a known fact that most men grow older; the reproductive system is known for having major health complications. In this case, the prostate gland, a harmless part of the human body, has a good chance of contracting prostate cancer if it’s not taken care of.

But just like any cancer or health complication, these conditions are completely preventable with the right changes in lifestyle and care of your reproductive system.

What Does The Prostate Gland Do?

But before we can get into different ways of protecting our prostate gland, what does it do, exactly?

Compared to other organs in the body, the prostate gland is relatively small and is just the size of a walnut. Since it should be close to the reproductive system, it’s located right below the bladder. When it comes to semen and sperm production, they will need much-needed nourishment that can temporarily “help” them get to the female egg cells. The prostatic fluid that this gland produces will usually provide the necessary “boost” in mobility that the sperm cells will need.

This gland is also connected to the urethra, which is responsible for urination and ejaculation. However, the urethra is also quite vulnerable to certain types of infections and STD.

The earliest forms of “cancer” are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is having an enlarged prostate gland. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the person does have cancer. As the urethra is usually a “small” passage, having an enlarged gland can also result in the blockage of urine, which can then lead to other health complications.

Signs of Prostate Cancer

But aside from having a benign prostate gland, prostate cancer is still one of the most common types of diseases that can happen to a person’s reproductive system. In the United States alone, prostate cancer accounts for around 191,000 males. More than half of these men are above the age of 65, with the average age of most individuals being 66 years of age.

It’s important to note that it’s almost impossible to prevent certain factors that can trigger diseases related to the prostate glands. Having a healthy diet and lifestyle is one of the best ways of keeping your prostate glands in a healthy condition. Although it might seem like keeping your prostate glands in a pristine condition is a daunting task, it can still be done.

When it comes to cancer research, we still have a long way to go to develop the necessary solutions in treating such ailments and health issues. As individuals, we have to do our part by contributing to the research of such diseases. By doing so, we are effectively saving lives and helping the academic world understand more of these diseases. Fortunately, there are patient recruitment market research agencies that partner with advocacy groups that can help with innovations and building a better future for humanity.

man working out

Healthier Lifestyle

Some studies would suggest that being intimately active can help keep your prostate gland in good condition. In one particular study, men who have ejaculated around 21 times in a month are at least 31% less likely to have prostate cancer than those who have only done so a few times in the month.

Carcinogens from smoking cigarettes are also known for increasing the susceptibility of cancer. Although, there’s still much that needs to be known about the correlation between smoking and cancer. Thus, stopping smoking can have a good amount of influence in having a healthier lifestyle.

Lastly, exercise and engaging yourself in physical activities is important in maintaining a healthy BMI and weight. This will also reduce the risk of getting critical health complications. You don’t necessarily need to do heavy exercise when you can do it for at least 30 minutes a day.

Even though the prostate gland is just a walnut-sized organ in the body, it plays an integral role in keeping the reproductive system up and running. One of the best ways of keeping our prostate gland in a pristine condition is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle while also being mindful of our diet. Mitigating the risks of diseases can greatly extend the lifespan of individuals.

Remember: if you’re in doubt of your situation right now, it’s best to talk to a licensed medical practitioner regarding your situation. Having professional medical advice can help identify the problem as soon as possible.


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