Five Reasons Why You’re Having Chronic Hives

A person experiencing severe hives

Five Reasons Why You’re Having Chronic Hives

The skin is an essential part of the human body. It’s responsible for regulating the body’s temperature, protecting people from harmful substances, and producing Vitamin D. However, its exposure to the elements makes it vulnerable to all sorts of diseases. One particular disease that can cause severe discomfort among people is hives.

What are Hives?

Hives, also known as urticaria, is a skin condition that causes red, itchy welts to appear on the skin. These welts can range in size, appearing and disappearing within hours or days. These welts can also occur in clusters or spread across large body areas. Sometimes, hives can be chronic, lasting for more than six weeks. This type of hives is known as chronic idiopathic urticaria, and its cause remains unknown. However, there are various reasons for it. Here are five common reasons why people get chronic hives:


One of the primary reasons why people experience hives is due to allergies. Allergens such as pollen, certain foods, latex, or animal dander can trigger an immune response that causes hives to appear.


Certain infections, especially viral infections such as the common cold or Hepatitis A and B, can also cause chronic hives. Bacterial infections like strep throat may also be a culprit. Simple infections, such as ringworm or yeast infections, can also lead to hives.


Certain medications, including aspirin and ibuprofen, can cause people to develop hives as a side effect. In some cases, stopping the medication may lead to the packs disappearing. It could also be due to allergies to the ingredients of a particular medication. However, it is essential to consult with a doctor before discontinuing any medications.

Physical stimuli

Some individuals may experience hives due to physical stimuli such as pressure, sweating, cold temperatures, or sunlight exposure. This type of hive is known as physical urticaria.


Lastly, pests inside your home can also cause hives. Insects such as bed bugs, fleas, or mites can trigger a reaction in the skin, leading to hives. Rat and other pet droppings may also cause chronic hives, especially if you accidentally make skin contact with them.

If you are experiencing chronic hives, it is essential to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment options. They can offer treatments that can deal with your chronic hives. Here are five of the most common:

Various pills and medicine for diseases


Antihistamines can help reduce the symptoms of hives by blocking histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic reactions. These are available in both over-the-counter and prescription forms.


Steroids, such as prednisone, can also help alleviate hives. They work by reducing inflammation in the skin. However, they should only be used for short-term treatment due to potential side effects.


Immunosuppressant medications, such as cyclosporine, can be used for more severe cases of chronic hives where other treatments have not been effective. These medications suppress the immune system to prevent it from triggering hives.

Light therapy

In some cases, exposing the affected areas of skin to specific wavelengths of light can also help alleviate hives. It is a non-invasive treatment option that may be effective for physical urticaria related to sunlight exposure.

Allergy shots

If allergies seem to cause your chronic hives, allergy shots may help reduce symptoms and prevent future outbreaks. These shots are administered over time and work by gradually introducing small amounts of allergens into the body, building up a tolerance to them.

It is vital to seek medical help if you are experiencing chronic hives, as there may be underlying causes that need to be addressed. However, prevention can be better than cure; in this case, you have various simple options to prevent chronic hives. Here are some of those options:

Clean Your Home

One way to stop allergies from triggering hives is to clean and declutter your home regularly. This can help remove allergens from dust, mold, and pests. In addition, you can clean your house with HEPA filters. These filters can trap smaller particles, such as dust and pollen, that may trigger reactions.

Fence Your Home

You might have an infestation on your hands if you’ve noticed multiple droppings inside your home or various dead insects. This infestation can be prevented by simply fencing your home.

A robust fence can stop rats and other animals from entering your home. It can also protect your home from other external problems. Consider contacting fencing contractor services near your area. Ask about the right materials and designs to keep pests out of your property.

Avoid Triggers

Another way to prevent chronic hives is by avoiding potential triggers, such as certain foods or medications. Pay attention to what may cause your hives to flare up and try to avoid those triggers. It is also essential to wear appropriate clothing for physical urticaria related to temperature and pressure.

Overall, chronic hives can be a nuisance in daily life. However, various treatments and prevention measures available can help deal with this condition. Consult a doctor for the proper diagnosis and treatment options most suitable for you. Also, take steps towards preventing future outbreaks by keeping your home clean and free from potential triggers. Finally, don’t let chronic hives take over your life; take control and live comfortably.

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