Four Reasons For Misaligned Teeth and How to Handle Them


Four Reasons For Misaligned Teeth and How to Handle Them

Growing up, people experience a lot of dental problems. Many will undergo teeth loss and will have to get dentures. While some will be able to keep their teeth for their entire lives, they will still experience other dental problems like cavities and gum disease. However, the most common problem among teenagers and adults in the United States is misaligned teeth.

Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned teeth, also called malocclusion, refer to the misalignment of the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed. There are different types of malocclusion, but the most common is an overbite. This is when the upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth. Other types include underbite, open bite, and crossbite.

There are many reasons why someone might have misaligned teeth. Let’s go through each one of them.


The most common reason for misaligned teeth is genetics. If your parents or grandparents had misaligned teeth, likely, you will too. This is because the genes that cause misaligned teeth are passed down from generation to generation.

Dental Injury

Another common reason for misaligned teeth is dental injury. This can happen if you fall, hit your mouth, or get hit in the face. Dental injury can also occur during a car accident. If the impact is severe enough, it can damage your teeth and cause them to become misaligned.

Misaligned Jaw

Another reason for misaligned teeth is a misaligned jaw. This happens when the upper and lower jaws are not aligned properly. This can be caused by an injury, genetics, or even poor oral hygiene.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is another common cause of misaligned teeth. If you do not brush and floss your teeth properly, plaque and tartar can build up on your teeth. This can cause your teeth to become misaligned over time.

Although there isn’t a golden standard on how teeth could be structured, misaligned teeth can often lead to some lifestyle issues, but most can live without needing treatment. However, some are in dire need of help. Here are some common treatments for misaligned teeth.

A molded set of teeth


Fractured teeth from dental injuries can lead to misaligned teeth, especially for children and teenagers who are still growing their teeth. This can also happen to some adults who have lost a part of their teeth.

The main reason this happens is that the teeth surrounding the space start to move towards the gap, leading to misaligned teeth. To fix this, dentists often recommend getting dental veneers. These are thin porcelain pieces attached to the front of your teeth. They are used to cover up gaps, chips, and other imperfections.

There are many other benefits to getting this kind of treatment. It can reduce the chances of infections, tooth decay, and gum disease. It can also make your smile look more uniform and symmetrical.


Teenagers and children often use braces to fix their teeth. This is because they are still growing, and their teeth are not yet fully developed. Braces work by gradually moving the teeth into their proper position.

The most common type of braces is metal braces. These are made of metal wires and brackets attached to the front of your teeth. They can be uncomfortable to wear at first, but you will get used to them over time.


If you don’t want to wear metal braces, another option is Invisalign. These are clear plastic aligners that are custom-made for your mouth. They are practically invisible, so nobody will know you’re wearing them unless you tell them.

Invisalign works by gradually moving your teeth into their proper position. Like braces, they can be uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to them over time.

The main advantage of Invisalign over braces is that they are less noticeable. This is because they are clear and blend in with your teeth. They are also removable, so you can take them out when you eat or brush your teeth.


If your jaw is the main reason your teeth are misaligned, you might need surgery. This is the last resort and is only recommended if other treatments have failed.

An orthodontist or oral surgeon usually does surgery. It involves realigning the bones in your jaw so your teeth can be brought into their proper position.

This treatment can be painful and take a long time to recover from. It is also expensive. However, it is often the only way to fix severe cases of misaligned teeth.

Misaligned teeth are a common problem among teenagers and adults in the United States. The most common cause is genetics, but there are other reasons. Thankfully, various treatments exist to deal with it. You can improve your smile and oral health by getting these treatments.

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