Hitting the Roads? Ensure to Follow These Basic Safety Tips

man driving

Hitting the Roads? Ensure to Follow These Basic Safety Tips

To blister the vacation days and heat, summer will be the best time for road trips. Are you ready to hit the road for an adventure? If yes, it is essential to ensure your safety before anything else. To put it statistically, there were around 12 million vehicles involved in crashes in the United States. The numbers clearly hint towards the need for optimizing safety. Besides road accidents, you need to consider several other safety measures before planning your road trip.

No matter what destination you select for your adventure, safety must always be your priority. In this post, we will be shedding light on a few safety tips that will help you make your trip fun and safe.

1. Repair Your Car

The first and foremost thing to do to ensure safety is to repair your vehicle. Suppose you are driving on a highway and suddenly your car stops. You find out that the engine is down, and you will have to tow your vehicle. That would simply bring down all the excitement and joy you would have while planning your trip.

Besides just the hectic of towing your vehicle and hindering your trip, it can also be dangerous at times. For instance, if a fast-moving car is just behind you on the road and your car suddenly stops, it may lead to an accident. Hence, the first thing to do is to repair your vehicle. All you need to do is to head to a garage and let the experts do their job. For instance, if you own a Subaru, head to the nearest Subaru auto repair shop and get your car prepared for the journey. Get all the essential checks like engine, breaks, oil, coolant, etc., done.

2. Keep the road safety emergency kit ready

Being prepared for any unfavorable situations before hitting the roads is vital. Hence, prepare your emergency kits. They are easy to assemble and prepare. All you need to do is create a list of all the supplies and tools that you might need during an emergency and assemble them.

One thing to note here is that many people often focus on health safety measures when it comes to preparing the emergency kit. However, it is important to consider general factors such as weather changes or dead phone batteries. Some essential things to pack in your emergency kit are:

  • Band-aids
  • Gauze
  • Antiseptic ointment
  • Flashlights
  • Towels
  • Phone charger
  • Gloves
  • Packed food items
  • Spare items, etc.

man looking at a map

3. Prepare yourself for the adventure

Make it clear that you have to be ready to go to the road confidently. Inform your nearest people about where you are going and get a good sleep before your journey. According to CDC, drowsy drinking is similar to drunk driving. That’s because being awake for a long time reduces your cognitive power and also creates blood alcohol content (BAC) similarities in your body. For instance, if you are awake for around 18 hours, it is equivalent to have 0.05% BAC. On the other hand, if you are awake for about 24 hours, it is similar to having 0.10% BAC, which is higher than the limit (0.08%) in most states.

You also need to prepare yourself by setting up the GPS with the destination and have backup directions. This would help if you somehow get lost on your way to the destination.

4. Get acquainted with all the road rules

Most road accidents are a result of human error. You can quickly mitigate the chances of these accidents by following all the laws and rules enforced by the government. For instance, people often forget the basic rule of wearing a seat belt. Following such simple rules can save your life during an accident. Hence, ensure following all the road safety rules while traveling.

5. You have to be safe and alert during traveling

The most critical and final safety tip for a road trip is being careful and safe during the traveling time on the road.  So consider the following steps:

  • Scan the road for any hazardous situation.
  • Be cautious and aware about any aggressive drivers or tailgaters.
  • Make it clear that you have to keep enough gas to reach the destination.
  • Try to stretch and take breaks so that sleepiness cannot grab you during the wheel time.
  • You have to share the responsibilities of driving to avoid hypnosis of highway and fatigue.

Enjoying your trip is important as that what you have planned it for. But ensuring optimal safety is far more significant. Follow the tips mentioned above, and you will make your journey fun and get relieved from stress.

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