Things to Look for in a Storage Tank

Closeup of storage tanks

Things to Look for in a Storage Tank

Liquid storage tanks have been a piece of important equipment for residential, commercial, and industrial use. These are commonly used to store various types of liquids, such as rainwater, liquid fertilizer, and fuel. Some companies also use this to store liquid ingredients for their food products.

Regardless of the usage, storage tanks are great investments either for personal or business purposes. An API 653 tank modification may be necessary to improve the tank’s material, ensure its longevity, and save money in the long run.

Features to look for in a storage tank

In choosing the right storage tank for your specific needs, you should consider what you are going to use the tank for. Is it going to be used to store rainwater, fertilizer, or fuel? If you are an industrial company, are you going to place food ingredients inside? Choosing a storage tank depends on your needs.

Regardless, you should look for the following factors when you are planning to invest in a storage tank.


The material used to make the storage tank depends on the volume and type of material that will be stored inside. For example, aluminum, stainless, and carbon steel are commonly used for bolted and welded tanks.

Meanwhile, fiberglass and plastic tanks are used to contain smaller volumes. The latter can be a practical choice for residential use. Concrete and field welded steel can accommodate larger volumes, hence an ideal choice for industrial use.


pink storage tanks

It will depend on the tank’s usage. If it’s for industrial use, the obvious choice is to choose one that can hold larger volumes. For residential use, you can choose smaller types of tanks instead.

You should also consider where you are going to install the tank. It may be due to certain height restriction as per local law or the space you have in your area.


The tank design might also depend on certain size restriction due to area space or certain law restrictions. For example, tanks with taller height and smaller diameter may be ideal for areas with limited space. On the other hand, shorter and wider tanks may be recommended for installation areas with unlimited space or with height restrictions.


The larger the tank, the more it can hold larger volumes of liquid that can help meet your needs. However, you should also consider having a strong foundation built underneath the tank.

This is to ensure that the tank won’t sink to the ground and damaging the soil. Take note that pouring foundation means additional expense on labor and materials.


It is important to choose one that can withstand harsh weather and other environmental elements. This is regardless whether you choose an above-ground or underground tank.

Certain elements can cause corrosion on the tank material over time. That is why you should ensure to choose one that is made from high-quality materials.

Investing in a liquid storage tank is important, whether for residential or industrial use. However, you should be meticulous in choosing the right one that will meet your needs. More than that, you should also schedule regular tank maintenance to ensure its longevity and get the best out of your money.

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