One Basement Remodeling Away from a Proper Man Cave

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One Basement Remodeling Away from a Proper Man Cave

It’s been a good two weeks since the start of summer, and while many of us are still seemingly lost in what we are actually supposed to do, given that the outside world isn’t the same as it used to be, any effort to have fun and party is much appreciated. In fact, if we decide to get technical with how we decide to have fun, it’s pretty much all fair game since the past year can be officially acknowledged as someone hitting the global reset button.

However, we aren’t here today to play the same old record of telling you to head to the beach or slamming the gas for road trips because we think everyone’s got the memo as far as we’re concerned. In contrast, we are actually here to propose that you don’t go outside and use your summer vacation to start transforming the basement into your long overdue man cave.

But Shouldn’t You Spend Your Summer Vacation Outside?

Okay, we understand if you have some frustrations with our sentiments and you’re fully justified to feel that way. However, if you put your pitchforks down and start looking at things from the bigger perspective, you’ll understand that working on your man cave might not be as bad as it seems. Sure, you could choose to go outside and have fun, but we think everyone’s placed too much hope and expectation on every adventure becoming a blast, forgetting that there’s much fun still waiting indoors.

  • Chances Are Your Friends Want Something Laidback: Reason number one, the friends you’re so excited to invite to a road trip might actually be wanting a more laidback summer this time around. The past few months have been nothing short of stressful, and they could still be in the process of working through their pieces and rekindling their motivation for work.
  • Think of It as an Investment Toward Future Fun: Reason number two, building a man cave is like an investment for more fun, entertainment, and numerous parties to come. Yes, going outside after such a long time shackled indoors is a huge weight off our shoulders, but you may have very well overhyped what the outside world is like. So, don’t put all your eggs into one basket and seriously consider the man cave project.

How Do You Get Started?

room designed for men

While most proper man caves take years to refine and perfect, luckily enough, starting one isn’t the hardest of things to do because the bare basics aren’t difficult to procure and jam right into the basement. But, much like any remodeling and home renovation project, there are steps we recommend you follow to get a good foundation going right from the beginning.

#1 Make Some Room by Taking Out All the Junk

Firstly, I think we can universally agree that most basements aren’t in the best conditions, so we should all start by making some room for our man cave by taking out all the junk. You’d be surprised at what ends up in the basement, and you might find things you didn’t expect to be hiding there in the first place. So, it’s time you put your back into it and some elbow grease because the floor isn’t going to mop itself.

#2 Don’t Sweat the Details and Get the Fundamentals in Check

Secondly, we suggest you refrain from focusing too much on the grandiose details and get the fundamentals in check first because everything else will fall into place. For example, it’s in your best interests to flooring with epoxy coating and put on some clean wallpaper to give man cave a cleaner appeal. With those two checked off, you can at least move in a couch and officially call it a getaway space for now.

#3 Choose a Central Theme and Add Your Pieces

Lastly, to avoid blundering over with the design, we recommend that you choose a central theme to work on right now so that you can slowly add your pieces once your pockets make room for more entertainment funds. Like we’ve mentioned before, man caves fair better the longer you take to finish them because the best novelty pieces and collectibles aren’t always readily available. So have your theme in mind and keep your eyes peeled for any stellar deals.

Every Modern Man Deserves a Proper Man Cave

Overall, we firmly believe that every modern man in our day and age deserves a proper man cave, so don’t cut yourself short. From chilling with your bros to experimenting with your favorite brews, man caves are sources of endless fun and entertainment that you’d wish you built much sooner.

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