Value-Adding Home Renovations that Require Permits

Newly renovated house

Value-Adding Home Renovations that Require Permits

Putting your home on the market any time soon? There are plenty of renovations you can do to raise its value. Take note, however, that even though you own your house, several structural renovations require a permit. Before you get started on your renovation project, here’s what you need to know about obtaining a building permit and which renovations add the most value to your home.

What is a building permit?

building permit is a document provided by a local government unit that permits you to undergo a construction project on your property. Whether you’re doing the work yourself or contracting a building company, you’ll need to secure this permit to ensure that any renovation work done complies with standards for construction and zoning. Operating without one is against the law, and you’re risking getting penalized for it.

How to apply for a building permit

If you’re working with a contractor, you can have them secure one for you. If you’re doing the project yourself, you first have to draft a blueprint of your construction plans, which will be submitted to your local permitting office.

Which value-adding renovations need a permit?

Fences: Installing a fence adds safety and security to your property. Some cities don’t require a permit when repairing or installing fences, but most do. You’ll need to list down the precise measurements and material of your fence.

Windows and Doors: Just like fences, windows and doors help secure your home from intruders as well as guard it from the elements. If the door or window is within your home, you won’t need to secure a permit, but you’ll need one if they can be seen from the street across. You need to list down the specific dimensions of the door or window to be installed as well as the materials to be used when applying for the permit.

Roofs: Outfitting an old house with a new roof can significantly boost its market value. Since roofing is visible from across the street, you’ll need a permit if you’re going to install or repair one. Even if you’re only going to be replacing a few shingles, it’s better to be safe than sorry by ensuring that you’re operating within the law with a permit.

Sheds: Sheds add value to your home because they offer extra storage space and can be transformed into another room with a bit of ingenuity. Some cities allow you to construct or repair them without a permit if they fall within a certain set of requirements. However, furnishing it with electricity and running water requires you to secure a permit.

Which renovations don’t require a permit?

Renovation, Paint Job

Renovation projects that don’t require you to obtain a permit include:

  • Installing new flooring, kitchen cabinets, or countertops
  • Painting both the interiors and exteriors of your house
  • Replacing hardware such as doors, faucets, or wall paneling
  • Slight electrical repairs such as changing lighting fixtures

There’s no better time than now to start increasing the value of your home with these simple repairs. Just make sure that what your doing is up to standard and permissible.

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