Venturing Out: The Rewards of Private Dental Practice

Private Dental Practice

Venturing Out: The Rewards of Private Dental Practice

Dentistry is a commitment that has no set end. Many professionals in this field are satisfied with employment after long arduous years of preparing to be dentists, while others find themselves unhappy with working for others. In time, this dissatisfaction further blooms and some usually end up quitting to start their own practice.

Of course, self-employment and entrepreneurship aren’t for everyone, but here are four reasons functional medical practitioners like you should take a leap and set off on your own:

Holding the Reins

Perhaps one of the most alluring aspects of starting your own practice is that you don’t have to answer to anyone. After all, you’re going to be your own boss, and while this entails plenty of responsibilities to your business, one of which is deciding on which orthodontic or dental laboratory best suits the needs and budget of your clinic, it also gives more freedom compared to being employed by someone else.

This freedom applies to many things, one of which is your involvement in the different facets of your business, such as patient satisfaction and scheduling. Getting to decide on your clinic hours helps ensure that you can mold your work around the life you have outside your profession.
Aside from schedule, you are also free to build your own team. Compared to when you’re employed, having your own practice provides you with the control on who you get to work with. Additionally, you get to choose to work with people who share the same values as you.

Reducing Stress

Burnout has become a significant problem in the workforce. It is often a result of being pressured to constantly do well combined with having a boss that is often tyrannical or dealing with difficult colleagues. Starting your own practice promises that you get to leave these stressors behind as you get to decide who to work with and how to measure your success.

While employment puts a priority on RVUs and the number of patients you see per day/week/month, the success of your clinic will be driven by how much better you make your patients feel after their sessions with you. Often, when patients are satisfied with your service, they refer you to their friends and family. Studies have shown that many of the most successful practices have been built entirely through referrals.

Increasing Revenue

In comparison to being employed, self-employment is going to give you the chance to grow your revenue much faster than you do in an employed situation, considering the limited opportunities for advancement in your paygrade. Opening your own clinic means you can work longer hours and accept more patients if you want. It also means you can claim expenses that employees typically can’t, including transportation costs.

Making an Impact

As an employee, you are given liberty to make suggestions regarding workplace improvement, but they don’t usually get implemented. Starting your own practice allows you to implement the changes you wish to see. The impact that you make, however, goes further than locations and equipment. Your possible future employees will be affected by any choice you make, and you have the power to provide them with a better workplace experience than the ones they’ve had before.

Starting your own practice may appear daunting initially, but doing so is going to be a significant investment for your future in dentistry. It takes a lot of time, commitment, and money, but the success you’re going to achieve in the end means you get to enjoy a high level of autonomy and potentially lucrative career.

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