Your Dental Health: Are You Doing It the Wrong Way?


Your Dental Health: Are You Doing It the Wrong Way?

Many people overlook the benefits that result from having great oral hygiene mostly because they are not aware of what they are doing wrong. They often think that brushing twice a day is enough, but is your brushing technique good enough to keep your teeth clean and healthy?

Following a proper brushing technique and flossing every day ensures healthy teeth and gums, but not everyone knows how to do it properly. If you want to get the best out of your daily dental hygiene, then you need to do the following tips.

Best Brushing Techniques

You need to hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle in relation to your gums. Move the toothbrush in light, circular motions. Repeat this on the inner surfaces and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Then move the toothbrush back and forth, upwards and downwards in the same areas. For the front teeth, you need to tilt the toothbrush in a vertical position and move it using up and down strokes. You should also brush your gums, tongue, and the lining of your cheeks so any debris and bacteria are removed. Wash out the remaining toothpaste with water to make sure that your teeth are free from food debris.

These techniques could help keep your dental health in check, but there are also practices that many people do that contribute to bad dental hygiene. Here are some things that people often do and do not realize that they have a dire effect on their dental health.

Rushing the process of brushing your teeth

brushing teeth

Many dentists and doctors say that you should brush your teeth for about three minutes, splitting the time equally between the upper and lower jaws. Unfortunately, many people view brushing their teeth that they need to get out of the way. As such, they fail to master the delicate art of keeping their teeth healthy and strong. A soft toothbrush and a pea-sized dollop of fluoride-based toothpaste are all you need. Follow the techniques stated above, but keep the pressure light as you move, cleaning one tooth at a time.

Failing to floss after meals

It is easy to overlook the need to floss, and in the same way, many people forget that it carries a myriad of benefits. For starters, it removes food particles in hard to reach places where toothbrushes are hopelessly inadequate. Trapped debris provides a breeding ground for bacteria leading to the formation of massive cavities that go unnoticed. Traditionally, flossing might have been more of an easy way to keep teeth clean and breath fresh before the convenience of toothpaste and mouthwash, but these days it is an essential step in preventing tartar buildup and plaque. You also no longer have to wrap the floss between your finger to clean between the teeth. Modern-day flosses feature a handle that lets you clear debris with relative ease.

Keeping your dental health in good condition offers a myriad of benefits to your overall health and quality of life. You only need to improve your brushing technique and make sure that your bad habits do not sabotage your oral hygiene.

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