4 Tips to Help You Throw a Fancy Dinner Party

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4 Tips to Help You Throw a Fancy Dinner Party

It may be your turn to host a dinner party for your friends. If you are sick of reusing the same party essentials and decide to go the extra distance, you can put a theme around your celebration. Themed parties are always welcome, but a fancy dinner will set the bar high. If you want to treat your friends for a night of elegance and class, here are a few tips to help you set up your party.

Dress for the Occasion

If you want to host a fancy dinner party, you must get your friends invested and excited about the idea. You will need to inform everyone to dress up in formal attire. To help them get excited, you can hand out personalized invitations with an RSVP date. The invitation will help you set the right tone for the party, but it is ideal for you and your friends to abide by the dress code.

Create a Fancy Atmosphere

You need to make sure that your party will look fancy right out of the gate. To achieve an extravagant feeling for your gathering, you will need to focus on lighting. If you’ve watched a lot of movie scenes involving fancy dinners, you will find that candles are almost always present. You will also notice that there should be dim overhead lighting for the whole venue.

Music is another factor in creating a fancy dinner atmosphere. Smooth jazz music never fails to turn a party into an elegant night of celebration. Classy photo booths and floral designs also contribute to the feeling of a luxurious party.

Make Presentable Tables

dinner party with family

You will be having your friends over for dinner, which means that you must have decorated tables. To produce the fancy atmosphere you desire, you will need to cover your chairs and tables with linen. The table must also have eye-catching centerpieces. Flowers and scented candles are some of the most popular centerpiece essentials that you need. When laying out the utensils, you must adhere to the full course table setting. It also helps if you add linen napkins on the plates. Your guests will spend a lot of time at the table during the dinner party, which means that you need attention to detail when designing the furniture.

Proper Food Selection is Key

The party may already have a fancy atmosphere, but the food you serve will be the main attraction. The selection must reflect the fancy dinner party you want to host for your friends. You must have hors d’oeuvres, or finger food, before your actual dinner. You can make wrapped and rolled hors d’oeuvres for your friends with ease using pieces of bread, a small amount of filling, and garnish.

When the time to eat comes, you should consider serving a full-course dinner. The meal consists of up to 12 courses, but you can pick your favorite ones. A standard full-course meal consists of an entree, fish course, main dish, salad course, cheese course, and dessert.

  1. Entree – The entree is your starter dish, which means that you will need to design a creative plate for your guests. You can add seasonal vegetables, small pieces of meat, and sauces to your entree. You must serve the entrees in small amounts to avoid filling up your guests’ appetites.
  2. Fish Course – A fish course is not a heavy meal, but can give your guests a good amount of protein before you serve the main course. You can choose from a variety of fishes like tilapia, salmon, and trout. Add sauce or have them marinated before serving.
  3. Main Dish – Most main dishes include white meat like chicken, turkey, or duck. You may also choose lamb and beef. Side dishes include mashed potatoes and ricotta.
  4. Cheese Course – The cheese course consists of a platter of cheese with their companion items sauces. You will need to shop for gourmet cheese in Wisconsin to help you get tasty options for your guests.
  5. Dessert – Desserts are helpful for guests when they try to digest the food. You may also serve dessert with wine, tea, or coffee.

Hosting a fancy dinner party may be costly, which is why it does not happen to people often. However, you will cherish the experience and secure yourself an invitation should one of your guests decide to copy your party.

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