Plugged In: Why Your Next Car Should Be An EV

Man with his electric car

Plugged In: Why Your Next Car Should Be An EV

There’s nothing quite like the convenience of owning a car. It gets us from point A to point B without relying on the hassle of public transportation, and we can go wherever we want, whenever we want. But as anyone who’s ever been behind the wheel of a car knows, they’re not perfect. They’re expensive to maintain, pollute the environment, and are a pain to park. And with gas prices rising with no signs of stopping, they’re only getting increasingly more expensive to own.

Fortunately, there’s a solution to many of these problems: electric vehicles. They’re better than traditional vehicles in virtually every way. But of course, EVs have their own set of drawbacks. They can be more expensive to buy upfront and are not yet as widely available as gas cars. But as battery technology improves and charging infrastructure expands, these obstacles will become less and less of an issue.

So if you’re in the market for a new car, an electric vehicle should be at the top of your list. Here are some of the reasons why you’re next car should be an EV:


Electric vehicles are far more straightforward than gas cars, with far fewer moving parts. They’re less likely to break down, and even if they do, most of your concerns will only revolve around electrical repairs rather than complex engine work. Unlike gas-powered engines with multiple moving parts that can fail, you won’t have to worry about those with an electric motor. And since there are no fluids to change, electric vehicles need much less maintenance overall.

Cost of Ownership

Electricity is cheaper than gasoline, so charging your EV will cost you much less than fueling a gas car. In addition, EVs don’t require as much maintenance, so you’ll save even more money in the long run.

The average car owner spends about $1,500 per year on gasoline, while the cost to charge an EV is only around $600. That means you could save over $800 annually by switching to electric.

Another cost advantage of EVs is that they don’t emit harmful pollutants, so you won’t have to pay for emissions tests or smog checks if your state requires them.


Electric vehicles have some serious advantages when it comes to performance. They’re much quicker off the line than gas cars, thanks to the instant torque that electric motors provide.

Electric cars also handle better than their gas counterparts. The weight of the battery is spread evenly throughout the vehicle, giving it a lower center of gravity and making it less likely to roll over. It makes for a safer, more stable, and more responsive driving experience.

EVs are also quieter than gas cars, making driving more pleasurable. Since there’s no combustion involved, there are fewer vibrations and cabin resonance. Both of which contribute to a smoother and quieter ride.

Another performance benefit that electric cars have is regenerative braking. When you brake, the electric motor works in reverse, using the car’s kinetic energy to recharge the battery, making the energy consumption of your vehicle incredibly efficient.

Environmental Impact

Car going into eco mode

Electric vehicles have a much smaller environmental impact than gas cars. They don’t produce emissions, so they don’t contribute to air pollution or climate change. And since it uses electricity alone, it can be powered by renewable energy sources like solar and wind.

It’s a significant departure compared to gas cars, which rely on fossil fuels like oil and natural gas. The extraction and burning of these materials release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to smog and climate change.

EVs also have a minor impact on water resources. Each year, the water used to cool a typical gas-powered car’s engine is enough to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Electric vehicles don’t require water for cooling, so they use far less of this precious resource.


Electric cars have come a long way in recent years, and the range anxiety that once kept many drivers from making the switch is no longer an issue.

These days, the average EV can travel over 200 miles on a single charge, and some models can go even further. And as battery technology improves and charging infrastructure expands, these obstacles will become less and less of an issue.

With all of these advantages, it’s clear to see how EVs are far superior to gas cars in every way. So if you’re in the market for a new car, an electric vehicle should be at the top of your list. They’re cheaper to own and operate, better for the environment, and offer several performance advantages over gas cars. It’s an investment that will pay off in the long run, both financially and environmentally. So go ahead and make the switch to electric today!

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