Choosing Kitchen Wallpaper for Your Home

Kitchen design concept

Choosing Kitchen Wallpaper for Your Home

Wallpaper has been and still is an important decorating item in any home. However, it is common that in a home, there are rooms that are wallpapered and those that are not. One part of a home that is not usually wallpapered is the kitchen. The main reason wallpaper is uncommon in most kitchens is the high levels of humidity that rise from cooking activities. Nevertheless, there are special types of wallpaper that you can use for your kitchen. But what should one look for when buying kitchen wallpaper? Here are a few things to consider:


Most kitchens have painted or tiled walls as they appear easy to keep clean. With the type of mess you should expect in any kitchen, it makes sense to be thoughtful about the type of wallpaper to install. Conventional wallpaper is thin and tend to absorb moisture and smells fast. You should avoid fabric-like wallpaper as it is likely to absorb the grime in the kitchen. The ideal wallpaper for the kitchen should be washable. Kitchen wallpaper should allow cleaning using a wet cloth and gentle surface cleaning products.

Recommended Wallpaper

Wallpaper comes in different types, patterns, and colors. The recommended types for use in a kitchen include:

Washable Wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is characterized by a transparent coating over the printed pattern on a base paper. The coating is thin and made of plastic, hence making the wallpaper resistant to markings and stains. Therefore, this type of wallpaper allows wiping with a wet cloth for cleaning purposes.

Vinyl Wallpaper

Subtle patterned wallpaperThis is usually patterned base papers that are printed on vinyl surfaces. The vinyl material is a by-product from ethylene gas and hence the tough structure. This wallpaper is highly washable and resistant to fading even in the exposure of sunlight.


This material is made of foamed polyethylene and has a fabric feel. The distinguishing characteristic is the relief pattern, which means that when gently pressed, the wallpaper springs back. It is also easy to keep clean, and its durability is unmatched.

Choosing Patterns and Colors

Rooms tend to feel empty without any pattern or color on the walls. Wallpaper has different patterns and designs, and choosing the right one for the kitchen can be a task. The choice will depend on your desired goals. You can get wallpaper to create a cool atmosphere or one that will brighten up a room. You can also combine different types of wallpaper for a unique look. A rule of the thumb is to get a type of wallpaper that complement’s the existing kitchen style. The wallpaper should also blend with the kitchen’s countertops and cabinets.

Wallpaper has revolutionized and has many patterns and designs. Traditionally, you would only find wallpaper in the living room. Thankfully, there are different types of wallpaper with varying suitable applications. Therefore, a homeowner has unlimited options when choosing wallpaper for their kitchen. Although having multiple options may seem to make the choice process easy, you need to be thoughtful in your choices. Retailers who stock wallpaper have experience and a better understanding of wallpaper. As a result, you can seek their help when making your wallpaper choices.

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