Cool Personal Care and Hygiene Innovations to Try

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Cool Personal Care and Hygiene Innovations to Try

There is never a shortage of technology innovations, but especially where health, hygiene, and personal care are concerned. It’s especially true in the time of the COVID-19 crisis, when people have to come up with creative solutions to the most pressing needs of our day, like keeping our hands clean and sanitized, physical distancing, and many others. Need, after all, is the mother of all innovation. Here are some gadgets and gizmos you need to watch out for at this time of the pandemic.

Delivery app temperature checker

In China, where the virus was first discovered, software developers created an app that informed consumers of their delivery men’s temperature. When placing an order, the rider assigned will be able to declare their current body temperature, displaying it on the app and making it available for the person who ordered the food or other items. While there may certainly be privacy issues, it’s a good way to assure consumers that riders stay healthy. Hopefully, consumers would be able to declare their body temperature in the future, too, as riders deserve the same assurance from their customers.

Hand sanitizer door handles

You’ve probably heard of hands-free door openers, but did you know there are now hand sanitizer door handles? It’s exactly as its name suggests—ordinary door handles are replaced with sanitizer bottles shaped and designed to be like door handles, from which people can pump sanitizers every time they leave the room. It’s a great way to remind people to disinfect their hands, especially since the virus that causes COVID-19 can be transmitted through touching high-touch surfaces and then touching one’s eyes, nose, and mouth.

Sanitizing phone chargers

One of the dirtiest items we own is our smartphone. It’s so dirty that research has shown that it’s ten times dirtier than our toilet seat, making it the perfect breeding ground for harmful germs and bacteria. It’s even more worrisome that we often put our smartphones near our faces, especially when we call or use it while in bed. Luckily, there’s an innovation called the PhoneSoap charger, which is a little box that houses your phone do disinfection and sanitation. It has two UV-C lamps on both sides, and it sterilizes your phone while charging.

The company claims that the wavelengths break the cells’ DNA while still keeping your phone safe from chemicals, liquids, and harmful heat. There are also acoustic outlets so that you can hear the alarm and notifications should you decide to leave your phone charging overnight.

Decontamination-alerting wristbands

While healthcare workers are already most likely on top of the hand-cleaning game (they have to since they’re the ones on the front lines of the war against COVID-19), there’s also an innovation created to help remind them to wash their hands. The sanitation-alerting bracelet was created to remind its user to wash their hands as distractions occur around them. It’s paired with sensor-embedded soap dispensers that can monitor whether the user’s hands have been properly washed.

It also has a tiny red LED light to remind medical practitioners to clean their hands between patients and tasks. The bracelet wasn’t created as a reflection on medical staff’s neglect; it’s more of a useful tool to remind themselves to wash their hands as frequently as possible.

LED teeth whitening white shiny smile

Because traditional tooth whitening often occurs in dentists’ offices, not everyone has the time, resources, or even the peace of mind to go to a clinic and get their teeth treated. Consumers can now have their teeth whitened from the comforts of their home through an LED-whitening kit, which includes whitening gel and a mouthpiece that uses advanced technology to whiten teeth more than five times. The LED mouthpiece was designed for portability and plugged into the laptop, cellphone, or anything with a USB port.

Smart deodorant

Smart deodorant applicators are electric deodorants created to combat the common issues that arise while using conventional deodorant. For one, electric deodorant applicators come with push-button deodorant delivery that allows users to consume the right amount of product and ensure effectiveness while reducing skin irritation and clothes stains. They also allow users to choose the amount and kinds of scents they can emit and alert the user when it’s time for a refill.

The Mother of Innovation

There will always be something new to look forward to where our health and personal hygiene are concerned. So keep your eyes peeled for new technologies that can provide you with convenience as you take care of your health and body.

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