Do You Want to Travel During the Pandemic? A Reading Vacation Might Be What You Need

child reading a book

Do You Want to Travel During the Pandemic? A Reading Vacation Might Be What You Need

Quarantining has pushed a lot of people to their limits. Some have abandoned all care and reverted to their old social activities. Others do the same but in moderation. While it is possible to meet up with a few people while observing health protocols, there are only several times you can purposely expose yourself without contracting the virus.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) maintains that the virus is most frequently spread through human interaction. If you’re bored out of your mind, there’s no need to risk your health. You can get a change of scenery and stimulate your mind by going on a solo vacation. But what will you do alone? Definitely not binge watch on Netflix again. This time, you’re sharpening your rusty gears by reading books.

coffee book and reading glasses

Detoxify and Stay Informed

If you’re not an avid reader, here’s one good reason to consider going on a reading vacation: books are cheap and effective tools to de-stress. Do you need another one? Reading lets you stay informed on current events, and many significant ones popped up in 2020.

Books, particularly novels, are healthy forms of escapism. They’re also great means to exercise your imagination, which is proven to enhance your memory and problem-solving skills. Immersing yourself in the genre of your preference will help you forget your stressors and leave you feeling refreshed.

It’s okay if you’re not into fiction. Reading biographies, self-help, and your favorite Afrocentric magazine are as equally invigorating to the mind. Choose ones that tackle the important social issues around the world, such as health, racial unrest, and animal cruelty. Investigate climate change and why sustainable living has become a trend. You’ll feel smarter and more responsible for it.

Set Goals

Even avid readers don’t always feel like reading books. This is why it’s important to select the ones you want to read and set daily goals. You’ll feel more inclined to pick up a book first thing in the morning and flip through the pages even when you’d rather be watching The Witcher or playing The Last of Us II in Grounded mode.

Avoid setting yourself up for failure by bringing more books than you can manage. If you’re a slow reader and you’re staying in a resort for only three days, then consider bringing two books at most. Otherwise, a week-long vacation for fast readers warrants five or more books. Lugging along anything more than you can manage will discourage you and possibly ruin the trip’s entire purpose.

Choose the Right Venue

Your choice of venue is vital to the success of your reading vacation. Since safety is your top concern, camping grounds and beaches are among your best options. Go for private cabanas or any quarter that is detached from the rest of the facilities. This will ensure that you’ll have fewer contact with resort staff and guests.

It’s also essential to talk to a resort representative before finalizing your booking. You need to be aware of how well the venue complies with government-issued health protocols. If they’re anything but vigilant, then it’s not worth the risk. Find a venue that suits your preferred reading environment and has an extensive sanitation plan to keep their guests safe.

Liking your own company is one of the best things you can learn during the pandemic. Use this time to detoxify from social media and invest in worthwhile activities like reading. After finishing a couple of choice books, you’ll enjoy a fresh burst of confidence and a better perspective of the world.

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