Driving Profit: Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Ridesharing Career

Man driving a car

Driving Profit: Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Ridesharing Career

More and more people are calling Ubers instead of the usual taxicabs. In fact, Uber had over 40 million active riders per month in 2016. And with drivers making more than $350 each month, it’s a tempting job to pursue. Here’s what you need to know before hitting the gas on your ridesharing career.

Is My Car Up to Standard?

Uber and Lyft follow city and state standards when it comes to the cars used by their drivers. Have your car tuned up. Make sure your air conditioning works well, and both exterior and interior parts are clean. In Utah, your car must be no older than 15 years old. Your vehicle should also have at least four doors. If your ride doesn’t fit these standards, get yourself a new car through a buying service to save money.

Uber or Lyft?

Both companies are pretty similar in the services they offer to both riders and drivers. Lyft drivers make about $377 a month, while Uber drivers make about $364 per month. Uber has a “No thanks” option for people who want to decline requests from unpleasant riders they’ve encountered in the past. Lyft doesn’t offer this just yet. But their riders are more primed to tip than Uber riders are. Some drivers think that Uber’s late implementation of a tip system caused this.

If you’re not sure which company to pick just yet, there’s no stopping you from driving for both of them. Try to see which of them suits your needs better.

Do I Have the Necessary Requirements?

Apart from the usual city requirements for drivers, you should have at least a year of driving experience to qualify as an Uber driver. Proof of residency and insurance is also needed. You should have no criminal record to qualify as a driver for Uber, so expect them to do a thorough background check on you. Lyft has pretty much the same requirements. They also stress that every driver should have a valid social security number upon applying.

Do I have a Dependable Smartphone?

Man checking phone while driving

A dependable smartphone is needed for every rideshare driver. It will house the Uber and Lyft app that will serve as an interface for your bookings. It’s also your map, so you’ll need accurate GPS readings. You don’t want to get you and your passenger lost because of an inaccurate map reading. You should also make sure you have a phone that supports 4G/LTE so you won’t waste time loading up a booking.

Lyft requires both its riders and drivers to have a phone that has at least iOS 11 (for iPhones) and Android 7 or higher. If your phone doesn’t meet these requirements, it’s time to upgrade to a better device.

When you’re getting into the ridesharing business, it’s also worth asking yourself if you want to work on it full-time or part-time. While you can make upwards of $375 a month driving, it might not be enough for some. Consider going part-time first and have a feel for the job. If you think you’re comfortable doing it every day and you can get more than the average amount of rides a month, then the choice is yours to go full-time. Nonetheless, it’s always nice to get the extra income that ridesharing offers.

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