Every Guy’s Guide to Simple But Effective Home Design

room designed for men

Every Guy’s Guide to Simple But Effective Home Design

Guys aren’t well known for having good design taste when it comes to their space. Of course, this is far from the truth. Men love it when their space is well designed and tailored to their needs and preferences. However, it can be quite difficult to find a simple guide to designing your personal space. Below are some tips to help you.

Choose Pieces That Fit Your Space

If you’re thinking of getting a new living room set, don’t make the mistake of going to the shop first to see your options without being sure of your room’s measurements. Always remember that your furniture has to fit your room, not the other way around. Even if you find a piece that you absolutely like, it still won’t look good in your house if it’s ill-fitting. Consider the furniture that is already in your house as well. Will your new furniture complement the rest of the design, or is it going to stick out like a sore thumb? If your idea is to use the new furniture as an accent, does it still fit the color pallet, or will the colors clash?

Minimalism Is Okay, But Plain and Boring Isn’t

Minimalism is a style that is still popular today for a good reason. For one, the white theme can be pleasing to the eye because there isn’t a lot of visual clutter. It can also be a way for people to focus and be at peace. However, particularly for masculine designs, a minimalist design tends to be uninviting and lacking in life. So if you like to keep your white walls, try accentuating them with plants or paintings. You can also opt for wall paneling for a dapper design.

Know What Your Style Is

It might not be a small thing for some, but simply knowing what style you like can make a big difference in your decision-making when it comes to renovating or designing your house. Your style will play a large part in how you design your home to your happiness and liking. That also includes knowing how to work around those design factors and add in functional aspects. You might appreciate bare concrete walls and unfinished steel. If so, you can utilize metal pipe shelvings for storage. If you prefer a minimalist look, then hidden cabinets might be your thing.

interior design

Understand Your Lighting Situation

Imagine going to a restaurant where the lighting highlights the food, sets a good mood, and offers a general soft glow all around the place. Lighting in commercial spaces needs to be very well thought of, and so should the lighting in your home. Usually, ambient or general lighting is easily accomplished in home design. But apart from that, you should also think about task lighting. This means putting a lamp on your bedside table or a desk lamp on your work table to help you see better. Another thing you can do is to use floor lamps or wall-mounted lamps with adjustable arms so you can direct light better. If you are having a bit of trouble seeing around the house, it might be because of bad lighting. The sooner you fix your lighting, the sooner you’d be helping your eyes.

Stop Hanging onto Old, Run Down Pieces

Heirlooms and hand-me-downs hold a lot of sentimental value. However, it’s better to let them go if they’re almost at their breaking point. If your house follows a particular aesthetic and the heirloom piece does not fit the picture, forcing it can turn it into an eyesore and break the congruence of the room. Don’t be afraid to let go of things with very little value to you. If something holds sentimental value, consider either refurbishing it to be functional again or turning it into a centerpiece. Do you have an old radio that your grandfather gave you? Have it encased in a glass box and display it in your living room. Doing this makes it clear that it’s a centerpiece in your home.

Don’t Leave Your Balcony Bare 

A home with a bare balcony will feel incomplete. If you feel like you don’t spend as much time on your balcony, it’s probably because it isn’t inviting. Prop up some lounge chairs and tables, grow a small vertical garden, or hang a bird feeder. There are a lot of options for you to bring life to your balcony, so don’t just leave it out to deteriorate.

Home design for a bachelor can become too rigid and boxy. It might not be inviting to your female friends, and it can be imposing for children. There should be a good balance between your masculine style and a hospitable abode. Find it, and your home will be perfect.

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