Outdoor Projects to Boost Your Home’s Value

garden with path

Outdoor Projects to Boost Your Home’s Value

Even if you’re not looking to get your house sold, you can’t deny the fact that you’d want it to be something of great value. You got it for a hefty price tag—and there’s nothing wrong with looking for ways to get a return on investment (ROI). Just like anything you spend your hard-earned money on, you want your home to be something that you can fall back on in case things get tough or when it’s high time for a new place.

If you’re not aware of how much modifying your home’s outdoor appearance matters when it comes to measuring a home’s value, we’re here to give you a guide that won’t take too much of your time.

You don’t need to be thinking of getting a swimming pool built in your backyard to ramp up your home’s value to people in the market. You can go with something as simple as mowing your lawn and keeping it clean for big projects such as getting a deck built.

To guide you through the adventure of home outdoor improvement, here’s a list of ideas you might want to take a look at for your next project:

1. Lawn seeding

A landscape with the green vibrancy of life and cleanliness makes for a good plus to a home’s curb appeal. Even if you’re not looking for buyers, having a healthy lawn brimming with lively greens has a bigger impact than you might expect when it comes to your own happiness.

Seeding a thousand-square-foot lawn will only cost you around $120. The expected value addition to your home is around $500. Of course, the ROI depends on your lawn’s size and the quality of your planted grass.

2. Opt for lawn care programs

Landscaping companies offer lawn care programs that provide your outdoor space with consistent and quality lawn care. The typical and popular care programs have six fertilizer applications and weed control measures for every 5,000 square feet of lawn.

Subscription to this type of lawn care program can cost you approximately $330. In contrast, the ROI for your home’s value goes around a thousand dollars.

You can also create and do your own lawn care programs, which can cut the costs a little.

3. Lawn sodding

Quite similar to lawn seeding, getting a turf installed, or sodding don’t cost much compared to the value it adds to your home’s curb appeal. A $700 investment in getting turf installation and maintenance services would add a thousand dollars to your home’s value.

A good thing about these cheap lawn improvement services is that they don’t cost much. The space that requires work is not small, and paying an amount lesser than expected but with good returns is always a good investment.

4. Building a wooden deck

The average cost of getting a wooden deck build is $9,450. It might sound like a lot, but having a wooden deck is a surefire way to increase a residential property’s value. A wooden deck takes advantage of a good location’s view and weather. It also adds additional living space.

Getting a wooden deck built would give your house an additional $10,000 in value.

front lawn

5. Making a new patio

A project similar to building a wooden deck but costs a few thousand dollars less, having a new patio as an extension to your living space is also a good way to increase your home’s value. It’s also popular among homeowners, so most people will like that your place has a patio.

You can opt for a patio without a cover or for one with retractable awnings to give you more flexibility. Feel like the sun is too hot on your skin? Set the awning to cover the area. Want a good tan? Retract the awning. This will help add more value to your already valuable patio project.

6. Build a swimming pool

One of the most expensive ways to improve a home’s outdoor appeal is to get a swimming pool built. The up-front costs and maintenance may sound scary at first, but if you really enjoy having one, you could be looking at an excellent home improvement investment.

A swimming pool building project can cost an average of $50,000. You can expect an ROI that is half of that amount, or more depending on your home’s location.

If you’re worried about how much these projects cost, know that you can enjoy your home’s outdoors without spending a fortune. You can start with simple projects you enjoy and make you appreciate your place more.

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