Skincare: Taking Care of Different Skin Types

woman doing skin care

Skincare: Taking Care of Different Skin Types

Although most individuals might think that there’s one “ideal” skin type that will work well with any environment and skincare products, we’re all unique in our skin type. Since all of us are unique in our own small way, there’s no such thing as a be-all-end-all skincare routine since we have our own needs and wants.

For the most part, glowing skin is a good sign of health. Of course, the skin isn’t just about good health, but it’s also about how we present ourselves to others. Our skin is also the largest organ in the body and will usually form a natural barrier that will protect us from disease-causing microbes, dust, and other problems.

Still, you’ll need to know your skin type since skin conditions are more prevalent in certain skin types. So how do we keep our skin healthy and protected?

What’s Considered Healthy Skin?

But before anything else, what makes your skin healthy? When it comes to saying that a certain type of skin is healthy, several factors and aspects are taken into account. This includes nutritional intake, hydration, skincare routine, and pre-existing and existing medical conditions that can affect your general health.

Most experts would say that you have good skin when:

  1. It’s smooth
  2. It’s not dry or flaking
  3. It warm to the touch (body temperature warm)
  4. The color of the skin is uniform (excluding some places with pigmentation, like your palms)
  5. It is elastic and can be stretched and pinched while going back towards its normal state as soon as possible.
  6. Does not have tell-tale signs of conditions like acne and breakouts.

But whether you have healthy skin, oily skin, skin with breakouts, or dry skin, one of the best ways of ensuring that you have healthy and young-looking skin is with professionals’ help. Some of the best skincare experts in the market, such as PDO max, have various PDO thread distributors across North America that can give you young and healthy skin in no time.

But what are some of the other skin types that we’ll need to keep in mind? Here’s what you’ll need to know:

Oily Skin

Oil is a natural part of our skin used to prevent dryness and retain a good amount of moisture. However, there are instances that oil glands can become more active than usual and will result in oily skin. You’ll start noticing that you’ll have a “thin” layer of oil on your skin, and most people will usually say that you have “glistening” skin. Those with oily skin tend to have larger pores and are more susceptible to breakouts, such as pimples, acne, and blackheads, especially when these pores get blocked off.

Dry Skin

woman with clear skin

Dry skin is known for being “dull” and uninteresting. This is usually because most of the skin is already covered in dead skin cells that won’t produce oil anymore. Most of the time, people with dry skin will have tiny pores. In most cases, dry skin is more prone to irritation.

Sensitive Skin

As the name suggests, most people with sensitive skin are more prone to several conditions. Most individuals that are sensitive skin will need to use skincare products that are more gentle than usual.

Normal Skin

Most health practitioners would say that there’s really no such as healthy or normal skin since we all have different biochemistry. Some might have a good balance of dry, oily, and sensitive. This means that “normal” skin can vary and will depend from one person to another.

When it comes to our overall health, taking care of our skin is an important process since this is our first and last line of defense against disease-causing agents and the environment’s elements. Knowing what your skin type is, using proper skincare products and practices, and knowing any previous conditions can help keep your skin in good condition.

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