Safety First: How You Can Survive a Vehicle Crash

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Safety First: How You Can Survive a Vehicle Crash

Put over 280 million vehicles in one country and add to the mix a race of drivers with their overwhelming need for speed (and all sorts of bad behavior), and you have one big problem in your hands: road accidents.  With over 332 million Americans living mostly in North America, many cars are certainly going around. It’s one glorious opportunity. The total number of cars is more than 80% of the population. Indeed, the great Henry Ford would be happy to know his dream of one “horseless carriage” for every American family has come true.

That’s the good side of the story; the sad side is America is the country with the most number of road accidents on the planet. In 2018 alone, the Land of the Brave had 2.21 million road accidents that resulted in 37,461 deaths and 3.14 million people injured. With such a shocking number of casualties, road safety should definitely be top of your mind when driving in America.

The good news is keeping oneself on the safe side of the road isn’t actually an uphill climb. It’s all about habits. Making sure you observe the right habit while on the road should bid you well.

Wear Your Seatbelt

This is the number one rule when it comes to safety in your car. Always have your seatbelt on when driving. This single act is very effective in preventing injury just in case an accident happens.

The purpose of the seatbelt is to keep you safe on your seat when there is a crash. Without the seatbelt, your body can be thrown right out of the vehicle when there is a collision. It also protects you from being thrown to adjacent seats and thrown towards the steering wheel.

Truly, the belt is a lifesaver. According to the CDC, your seatbelt will help reduce the risk of death by 45% and the risk of serious injury by 50%. Thus, if you want to live a long life, stay stuck.

Sit Upright

You must sit upright when driving. Your seat belt will only protect you effectively if you are seated upright. Don’t lean forward towards the steering wheel. Also, don’t lean backward in an awkward position when driving.

Sit upright in your car seat so that you will be well-protected in the case of an accident. In the event of an accident, the body moves in the direction of the car. So if you are well-secured in your seat and sitting as you should, you will not be thrown off balance.

fast cars

Observe Speed Limits

In driving, there’s a speed limit for a reason. The speed limit is for everyone’s safety. So keeping yourself within these limits means not only that you won’t be flagged, but also, most importantly, it means you’re protected from harm.

One thing you have to understand is that your car generates kinetic energy as you move. If you are moving too fast and then a collision happens, you will be adversely affected. This is because the energy created during the crash will be dissipated to your body. Simply put, the energy is too much to be absorbed by just the car. Thus causing harm to you and any other person in the vehicle.

So one way you can reduce the energy being created while driving is by sticking to the speed limit. Driving slow will do you more good than harm.

Secure Loose Items

It’s vital to secure loose items in your car. Just like you protect your body with a seat belt, get the loose items to a safe space. Reason being that during an accident, the loose items will fly around as the car is moving. And if this is the case, the loose items may hurt you during the crash.

So, get all the loose items and put them in your trunk. This, of course, is if you really need to have them in your car. If they are not needed, then put them at home or get rid of them. Don’t take any chances. It’s better to be safe than to be sorry.

Though many have died in car crashes, some have survived with life-altering wounds. Good thing medical attention, specifically via physical therapists, nurses, and caregivers, has proven to be very helpful in a survivor’s road to recovery. The story of Casey Kruse, a mother of four who became a quadriplegic due to a car crash, is evidence of how beneficial these programs are. And how an accident victim can be offered a second chance at life with the right help.

Additionally, respite care programs are instrumental in providing needed care for many car crash survivors in the absence of primary caregivers. Their ability to provide quality care at a moment’s notice makes them a central piece to a crash victim’s revival.

Buy a Safe Car

One thing many people aren’t so aware of is the fact that car safety varies. Not all cars are considered safe. And the size of the vehicle doesn’t equate to car safety. You may be driving a big car that’s nowhere close to being safe. So how can you tell a car is safe for driving?

When it comes to car safety, you have to look at specific features such as airbags, crumple zones, seatbelts, and safety cells. Take a look at all these to know if the car is safe. You can take a look at the top 15 safest cars for 2021 to make your pick. When you do that, you’ve made the right choice from Day 1.

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