The Connection between Good Oral Health and Braces in Kings Hill

Oral Health

The Connection between Good Oral Health and Braces in Kings Hill

Dental braces are not always a necessity, but can be very crucial to patients with crooked and misaligned teeth. In recent years, braces have become more accessible, affordable and trustworthy than ever, allowing patients to achieve straighter teeth without necessarily having to wear visible metal brackets and wires.

Most people associate braces with an attractive smile, but there are more benefits to braces in Kings Hill than this, as dentists such as One Smile Oral Care can attest. In fact, the advantages of discreet teeth-straightening techniques such as Invisalign extend beyond aesthetics.

Better oral hygiene

Braces in Kings Hill encourage better oral health by altering the way teeth fit together. Patients with straight teeth are more likely to be able to clean them properly, compared to those with misaligned teeth. This is because bacteria and food remains tend to hide in the crevices created by crooked teeth and are hard to reach with a regular toothbrush. As a result, patients with misaligned teeth find it very difficult to stay on top of their oral health.

Improved bite

An important but often overlooked advantage of straight teeth is a better and more balanced bite. Misaligned teeth make it very difficult to chew and bite properly and patients can develop digestion problems in the long run. More alarmingly, a bad bite can also cause unnecessary pressure on the jaw and cause long-term problems such as headaches and chipped and cracked teeth.

Ease of speaking

Patients with crooked and misaligned teeth often find it difficult to pronounce some words properly and this can result in speech problems. Misaligned and overcrowded teeth can cause various oral problems and impaired speech is one of them. Braces in Kings Hill will help move the teeth into their right position and restore a patient’s ability to speak properly.

Improved self-esteem

Patients with misaligned teeth often become conscious of their appearance and as a result, they are less likely to smile or show their teeth in public. These actions can have a negative psychological impact, especially during teenage years or early adulthood. Correcting dental problems with braces in Kings Hill can provide patients with extra confidence and boost their self-esteem.

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